User talk:Truelilaznkid

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Revision as of 09:15, 27 July 2007 by Crispybishop (talk | contribs)
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Please use the Signature so I will know who it is

People hates me huh? --Truelilaznkid 23:20, 8 July 2007 (CDT)

Hello! Not trying to argue, but I saw your comment regarding the Sarah's Mirror quest. What version of MapleStory do you play, because I haven't found this quest in Maple Global. Is this a version-specific quest? Or how do I miss this quest? I've started 2 characters now, and there's only 1 NPC in the opening map (Sera), but she doesn't offer a quest. She also doesn't have a lightbulb blinking over her head. In fact, the opening map is a map of the outside of a tree (you're on a platform at the top), and the only other NPC is Peter at the bottom. Even one map after this one, you have the "video-room" map, with only Sera (still not offering a quest). Please respond and let me know where this quest is found. Thank you! User:Crispybishop