Sublyme's Spearman Guide

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I'll warn you, this guide is written from the perspective of a spearman in the making, so there is bound to be errors in and such.

Starting Out

To start out you'll want to get your original stats some where around these.

  • Str - 10
  • Dex - 7
  • Luk - 4
  • Int - 4

These stats will get you quite far on Maple Island.

Maple Island


On Maple Island, skills are the least of your worries as a warrior. There's very little use for them, because you'll deal so much damage to these monsters. You should only add into strength for a while. But once you hit about level 4 or so, you'll want to start adding a point or two into Dex, so you have about twice the Dex of your level. Make sure you add enough Dex so you can hit Orange Mushrooms, because they'll be great training later on.


Skills shouldn't be too high on your list of priorities for now, but if you want to add to them you can. I'd suggest maxing Nimble Feet as soon as possible, because it's just a generally useful skill. I'd also suggest putting as many points into Recovery as you can, because when you attack for long periods of time up close even the slightest HP recovery can help. Three Snails is pretty much useless, as you can do lots of damage to early enemies anyways.
