Health Points

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Health Points, commonly abbreviated as "HP", determines how much damage a character can take before they die and has a maximum value of 30,000. It can be raised by ~10 with every stat point gained during a level. Normally, Warriors have the most health in the game, while Magicians have the least. Without any type of skill towards it, Health Points will recover by 10 every 10 seconds while standing in one place, while sitting on a bench recovers 15 every 10 seconds, while sitting a sky blue wooden chair recovers 35 HP every 10 seconds, and while sitting on the relaxer recovers 50 HP every 10 seconds. Certain skills can increase the rate at which you gain HP, or make you have more of it, like Improving HP Recovery and Improving Max HP Increase. Endure even allows you to heal while hanging on a rope/ladder.
Having more Strength increases how much HP you automatically gain during a level. HP is also given out for most of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd job advancements of each class. HP can also be used up when performing a skill. Lastly, you can put Ability Points into HP to increase your Max HP, however this is highly unrecommended as it is better spent on other stats.
When you get hit by monsters, or fall down from high places, you will lose HP. When it reaches 0, you die and will be sent to the nearest town, along with losing some EXP (unless you are a beginner). So it is very important to keep your HP up. Consuming potions is a far easier way of doing so than to wait for your HP to regenerate. Usually potions heal you on a 1:1 cost ratio, but that only goes for the red potion. As hitpoints increase, players tend to buy potion or healing items that heal much more, rather than a red potion which only heals 50 hitpoint at a time.

Items to recover HP

There are many items that help recover HP. Things that are in potion shops, such as red potions, white potions, cakes, meat and etc. A list can be found here.