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Meso (plural Mesos) is the virtual currency used in the game 'MapleStory'. This currency is used to either buy items from NPC (Non-Player-Character) merchants or trading with other players. You can earn mesos by killing monsters or selling your items.

Mesos can come in various forms including the most basic and cheap bronze coin, then the gold coin, next a bundle of cash, and then a sack of gold.

Bronzecoin2qn.gif Bronze Coin - 10-49 Mesos

Goldcoin.gif Gold Coin - 50-99 Mesos

Cashmeso.gif Bundle of Cash - 100-999 Mesos

Sackomeso.gif Sack of Gold - 1000-50000 Mesos

You cannot drop more than 50000 Mesos at one time. Saying this, you also cannot drop less than 10 Mesos at one time. You can earn lots of mesos, allowing you to spend it on necessities for your character. You shouldn't waste mesos! There is no limit in how many Mesos you can hold, but there is a storage NPC in each town for you to store mesos in.

Earning Mesos

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