Kaiser Guide

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Kaiser Class Guide

Kaiser Introduction

Kaiser Guide, the Protector of the Dragons, is the Warrior variation of the Nova class and was introduced in the third part of the Tempest Update. Being a part of the Nova race, means that he is half dragon. He bears several features of a dragon such as horns, wings and a tail. His weapon of choice is a two-handed sword, and one of his unique powers are to transform into a dragon.


Kaiser protected Pantheon, where the Nova race resides, from Magnus, a commander of the Black Mage. In doing so, he had to sacrifice himself. In the present, a young child named Kyle along with his friends, Belderos and Tear, start the "Helisium Attack Squad", their ultimate goal being to stop Magnus and restore Helisium. A few years later, the sages attempt to steal the treasure of Pantheon, stopped by Tear who touches the cube and causes a curse upon both herself and Kyle, knocking Tear out first. Kyle attacks the sages with one of Kaiser's skills, defeating several of the sages before fainting. Tear then awakens and uses one of Angelic Burster's skills to defeat the remaining sages. Catalion, Penril and Belderos show up and are surprised upon seeing the Kaiser symbol come out of Kyle. He then inherits the power of Kaiser, and as Kaiser's successor, his job is to protect Pantheon from the Black Mage and his commander, Magnus.