iTCG Trading Card Game

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Basically, "ITCG" stands for International Trading Card Game. This is a real life card game that involves being able to get things inside the Maple Story game by putting in special codes into the game. The instructions on how to put these codes are at the bottom of this page. You can buy these card sets in most countries and most stores. It is run by a company called Wizards of the Coast.

Now, ITCG has since been discontinued due to a lack of profit and no products are currently being made.


Old Paper.gif
Evil paper.gif
Availability of ITCG Trading Card Game
Retired Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Retired
  • Note--I don't know what other countries it is available in. Someone else please place if it is avaiable in your country. Thanks in advanced...

How to activate the Special Code inside the game


  • Note--The following section is taken from the above website. It was written by the staff(s) at the "Wizards of the Coast" website. I did not write it. I just copied to place on here to show how to use special codes:

In every Starter Set and every booster pack of the MapleStory iTCG you will find at least one code card that can be redeemed in the MapleStory online game Cash Shop for a virtual item, quest or pet! Visit the Cash Shop to find out what your code will be redeemed for -- you never know what you’ll get. It could be access to a brand-new quest, high-level weapon, or a rare pet!

To redeem your Special Code, begin by launching the MapleStory game client and logging in to the game. (Make sure you have open slots in your inventory tabs because you never know what you might get from your code!)

1. Once you’re in the game, click the “Cash Shop” icon in the lower righthand corner of the game screen.

2. In the Cash Shop, click the round “Code” button in the lower righthand corner of the game screen. This will pop up a window where you can enter the Special Code.

3. Enter the Special Code (without hyphens) into the text field and click OK.

4. Your new item will be placed in your inventory!


At one time, ITCG was giving free codes when iTCG first started. It was a cash item in the game that featured a "fake card" outline around your character called "Maple Champion" , and was similiar to the "wanted" poster cash shop item. It is no longer given out.


  • For more infomation that regards to iTCG item forging then go to iTCG forging