Wind Walk

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Wind Walk.png


Borrows the power of the wind to temporarily hide yourself. Attacking in Wind Walk state will deal bonus damage additional damage as well as make you visible.

Wind Walk.jpg

Skill Progression by level

Only for the Knights Of Cygnus class of Wind Breaker

  • Level 01: MP cost 21, duration 12 seconds, speed -18, 106% damage
  • Level 02: MP cost 21, duration 14 seconds, speed -16, 112% damage
  • Level 03: MP cost 22, duration 16 seconds, speed -14, 118% damage
  • Level 04: MP cost 22, duration 18 seconds, speed -12, 124% damage
  • Level 05: MP cost 23, duration 20 seconds, speed -10, 130% damage
  • Level 06: MP cost 23, duration 22 seconds, speed -8, 136% damage
  • Level 07: MP cost 24, duration 24 seconds, speed -6, 142% damage
  • Level 08: MP cost 24, duration 26 seconds, speed -4, 148% damage
  • Level 09: MP cost 25, duration 28 seconds, speed -2, 154% damage
  • Level 10: MP cost 25, duration 30 seconds, speed -0, 160% damage