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Being the boss of the Ludibrium PQ, it is a force to be reckoned with. While in battle, it will also summon several monsters, making this boss even more difficult to kill. It has more HP then crimson balrog, so watch out for it.

Its Japanese nickname is 'Time Whale'.


  • Level: 56
  • HP: 125,000
  • MP: 2500
  • Experience: 4800
  • Knock Back: 1500
  • Speed: -30


  • Weapon Attack: 280
  • Magic Attack: 260
  • Accuracy: 160


  • Weapon Defence: 210
  • Magic Defence: 240
  • Avoidability: 26


  • Boss
  • Does very high damage(400-600 Magic damage and weapon damage.Less M damage if you are a mage; less weapon damage if you are a warrior.
  • Only lvl 42 and beyond will actually be a help to defeating Alishar( except mages. Mages'pro attacks such as fire arrow and cold beam are useless( alishar is srong against all elements) and M claw wont do much damage.)