Stone Wrangler

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Revision as of 21:28, 23 June 2010 by Hot Ass Road (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'Stone Wranglers are a new, fragmentary, Cygnus Knight. They take after the Cowboy, also a new undeveloped job, we are not certain we will make this. However if we do, there will …')
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Stone Wranglers are a new, fragmentary, Cygnus Knight. They take after the Cowboy, also a new undeveloped job, we are not certain we will make this. However if we do, there will be lassos & whips used and new items for Cowboys and Stone Wranglers. The Trainer for the Cowboy will be named "El Diablo" unless we have other recommendations. Stone Wranglers are Earth Based and will be led by "Stella" The Cheif knight of Earth. We have not released any information since this is still being talked over. We will let you know when we have decided.

- Thank You.

Nexon, Wizet.