Aqua Road

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Aqua Road is connected to the bottom of Orbis Tower. It contains many sea creature monsters. Characters recieve damage in the water without a source of air. This problem can be resolved by completing a level 35 quest which gives you an Oxygen Tank (Used like a cape), or using an Air Bubble, which lasts for 15 minutes. Some items can only be found by dropping from Aqua Road monsters.

It has a zoo that displays a Jr. Balrog and other powerful creatures. If you are bored, there is "shopping centre"(mall). In it are the armour and potion shops.

A recent patch allows players to access the Aqua Dungeon which has monsters like Shark (level 100) and Cold Shark (level 102). The boss of the area is the Doom Flounder, or 'Pianus', as it is called in MapleGlobal (level 110). This monster can summon Blood Boom (level 75).

Aqua Road is a Connection to the Korean Folk Town (Not released in Maple Global or Maple SEA)