The smart spearman build

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Wondering where to put your points? read below

What to use

are you stuck on deciding whether to use a spear or a pole arm? If so, heres an option.

  • Consider how much your level 30-70 weapons cost and look at your money supplies.
    • If money is a problem for you, go for the cheaper build
    • If money isn't a problem for you, go for what ever you like the most

OR.. flip a coin

Spear Users

2nd job is from level 70 to 30. 70-30=40 3sp a level so.. 40 levels times 3 = 120 sp available to use then decide what you need/want the most and put what you want your skills to be

  • Spear Mastery:--------20---(need this)
  • Polearm Mastery:------0----(dont need this, ur spear)
  • Final Attack Spear:---20---(want this, im spear)
  • Final Attack Polearm:-0----(dont want this, im spear)
  • Spear booster:---------20---(nice to have this) have to take 10 off because i can live with out it
  • Polearm booster:-------0----(dont need this, im spear)
  • Iron will:------------------20---(need this because i need defense)
  • Hyper Body:------------30---(need this because i want lots of health to survive long)

Now what? add it up, HMM.. 130 sp. 10 too many being used, find what you dont need and subtract it. i need mastery, hyper body and iron will so.. just final attack and booster. i kind of want final attack but have to have slower attack if i get rid of booster. thats ok if its fast enough with level 10 booster so -10 booster

Polearm Users

2nd job is from level 70 to 30. 70-30=40 3sp a level so.. 40 levels times 3 = 120 sp available to use then decide what you need/want the most and put what you want your skills to be

  • Spear Mastery:----------0----(dont need this, im polearm)
  • Polearm Mastery:------20---(need this for high damage + accuracy)
  • Final Attack Spear:-----0----(dont need this, im polearm)
  • Final Attack Polearm:-20---(nice to have this)
  • Spear booster:------------0----(dont need this, im polearm)
  • Polearm booster:--------20---(nice to have this) have to take 10 off because i can live with out it
  • Iron will:---------------------20---(need this because i need defense)
  • Hyper Body:---------------30---(need this because i want lots of health to survive long)

NOW.. add them up, 130 HMM.. 10 over. Now what? you subtract the things that you could do with out/dont really need in this case you need mastery, and hyperbody so.. you can get rid of final attack, meh, keep it 20. iron will?, no i need defense booster? well lets look at level 10 booster, increase in weapon speed for 100 seconds) you can probably attack fine with out booster at all so.. i guess its -10 booster

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