Brendrran1's Luckless Magician Guide

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Brendrran1's Luckless Magician Guide

First, get your character to level 8. You begin on Maple Island. Do every quest you can until you are level 8. YOU MUST DO THE CHAIR QUEST! Then, go to Southperry and take the ship to Victoria Island. Once you are there, go to the booth next to the ship if you have enough money for a taxi ride. If you do, pay the person there to get you to Ellinia. If you don't have enough money, walk to the right of the map and go through the portal. Then keep going until you end up in a city called Henesys. Then, keep going right on the top portal. Follow that portal until you reach Ellinia. Once you are there, go to the top of the map and go into the portal. You must be level 8 and have 20 INT to become a mage. Talk to Grendel the Really Old. Congratulations! You are now a magician!

Do all his beginner mage quests until level 10. Once you are level ten, go back to Henesys and go in the park. Do the Henesys Party Quest until level 21. Then do the Kerning Party Quest. Once you reach level 30, go back to Ellinia. Talk to Grendel the Old and do the quests. YOU ARE NOW A 2nd JOB MAGE!


Improving MP Recovery: Gives you additional MP recovery every ten seconds. Improving Max MP: Gives you extra MP every level. Magic Guard: Takes a portion of the damage received and takes away a percent of the damage in MP. Magic Armor: Gives you more defense points. Energy Bolt: Shoots a bolt of magic. Magic Claw: Use magic to attack your enemy twice with claws.

Skill Points distribution: Level 8: 1 Energy Bolt Level 9: 3 Magic Claw Level 10: 3 Magic Claw Level 11: 3 Magic Claw Level 12: 3 Magic Claw Level 13: 3 Magic Claw Level 14: 3 Magic Claw Level 15: 2 Magic Claw (Maxed) 1 Magic Guard Level 16: 1 Magic Armor 2 Magic Guard Level 17: 2 Magic Armor 1 Magic Guard level 18: 1 Magic Armor 2 Magic Guard Keep doing that until you can't put anything into Magic Armor or Magic Guard. Then, put your points into Improving MP Recovery and Improving Max MP.


Level 1-8 Snails, Shrooms, Stumps Level 9-15 Slimes, Dark Stumps Level 16-20 Octopus Level 21-25 Undead Mushrooms and Horny Mushrooms Level 26-30 Wooden Mask and Rocky Mask


Level 1-10 Training Island Armor Level 11-26 Lith Harbor Shirt and Pants Level 26-30 Warfare Pants and Whitebottoms Level 30+ Sneakers


Level 1-8 Sword, Axe, Club, Razor Level 9-10 Beginner Magician Wand Level 10-30 Wooden Wand FUNDED: 30-34 Green Paintbrush 35-42 Maple Staff 43-63 Maple Lama Staff 64+ Maple Wisdom UNFUNDED: 30+ Green Paintbrush