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Revision as of 05:10, 20 October 2009 by Segamen (talk | contribs)
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Hi all, I am kinda new in here BTW and just wanna say Hi to all.

About myself:

I myself basically like characters which mostly do lots of melee attack but sometimes you will see me wandering around as either Flame Wizard or Cleric. Most of the time I will be "chiong-ing" around with my SinDit or just a random character. However, the thing is that no one gets to see me often XD (unless you use the /find command)


Singapore gateway: SegamenXp - Aquila SegamonXp - Aquila RipClawSin - Aquila StormOfFury - Aquila ScorumicHorn - Eridanus MantaiXp - Aquila; in other account MaxXp - Bootes

Malaysia gateway: GoldFang - Fornax VineMorph - Hercules NewDivine - Gerimi RcilacDrbaik - Hercules SegamonXp - Hercules

P.S: You can have a character of the same name in different gateway