Archer's Guide
Guide for Archers
You are a beginner, and you want to be a archer. You must: go through maple island go to Victoria Island talk to olaf take the quiz Do "lesson on job advancment" go to athena peirce in henesys go into mushroom park look for a house that is a tree talk to her Start training! Monsters to fight: 10-20: pigs, ribbion pigs, orange mushorooms. 20-30: blue mushrooms, zombie mushroom, horny mushrooms, and big bubblings.
Build up
AP build up
Lv10 ~ Lv14: +5 dex
Lv15 : +5 str
Lv16 ~ Lv19: +5 dex
Lv20 : +5 str
Lv21 ~ Lv24: +5 dex
Lv25 : +5 str
Lv26 ~ Lv29: +5 dex
Lv30 : +5 str
Lv10 ~ Lv16: +5dex
Lv17 : +3 str, +2 dex
Lv18 ~ Lv21: +5 dex
Lv22 : +4 str, +1 dex
Lv23 ~ Lv26: +5 dex
Lv27 : +1 str, +4 dex
Lv28 : +5 str
Lv29 ~ Lv30: +5 dex
Active Skills
Arrow Blow and double shot when they are maxed, they have the same damage. But before you can add arrow blow, you have to add double shot. Only choose one of them. the extra SP goes to focus.
Pros of Arrow Blow
Use lesser mp.
Use only 1arrow at the same time save money.
Making the highest damage is high as possible.
Cons of Arrow Blow
If the damage is low, there is no hope of getting that damage high.
Most of the time the damage is quite low.
Pros of Double Shot
If the damage is low, the other arrow may have a higher damage.
The damgage are usually high.
Cons of Double Shot
Use 2arrow at a time at the same time waste money.
Use more mp.
If the 1st arrow damage is high, the other arrow may have a lower damage.
Have a look of Archer's skill:
SP build up
Lv10 : +1 arrow blow ( you don't have an active skill, when using this skill when you are using a bow)
Lv11 : +3 blessing of amazon
Lv12 ~ Lv13: +3 eye of amazon
Lv14 : +2 eye of amazon(max) +1 double shot
Lv15 ~ Lv20: +3 double shot
Lv21 : +1 double shot(max) +2 critical shot
Lv22 ~ Lv27: +3 critical shot(max)
Lv28 ~ Lv30: +3 focus
At the end
3 blessing of amazon
20 critical shot
8 eye of amazon
9 focus
1 arrow blow
20 double shot
(If you want to have a better damage(which is recommanded) max your double shot/arrow blow and critical shot before you add the others.)
Recommanded places to train
Lv10 ~ 14: Henesy Hunting Ground II
Lv15 ~ 20: Henesy Hunting Ground III
Lv21 ~ 25: Ant Tunnel I/II/III/VI
Lv25 ~ 30: Land of Wild Boar I/II
Created by heehaha