Kometto's Pirate Guide

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Kometto's Pirate Guide

A pirate has the power to shoot cannons, do powerful stunts, and knock out their foes with their fists. With their guns or knuckles they can take out any foe.

The Pirate has two way job route. Becoming either a knuckle user(infighter), or a gun user(gunslinger).

Starting Your Pirate

To get the perfect pirate get your stats like this

  • STR: Anything
  • DEX: Anything
  • INT: 4 or 5
  • LUK: 4 or 5

Since the pirate use STR and DEX they can be anything. The combination for INT and LUK should be: 4 and 4, 4 and 5, or 5 and 4. If you're going to use knuckles You need STR as high as it can be and DEX equal to your Lvl. For gun pirates it is opposite.

Becoming a Pirate

I'm guessing you have to talk to Olaf to become a pirate first. So talk to Olaf and say you're becoming a pirate. Go to Nautilius Port. Go to the job instructer(don't know name yet). Nautilius Port is in between. Henesys and Ellinia. Once there you can become the pirate.

Pirate Skills

Quick Motion [Level 20]:

Description: Increases Accuracy and Avoidability

Type: Passive

  • Level 1: Increases Accuracy 1 and Avoidability 1
  • Level 20: Increases Accuracy 20 and Avoidability 20