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Revision as of 23:23, 4 August 2011 by ToaArrol (talk | contribs)
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The Demon who summoned the five demons to Victoria Island. He summoned them because he merely loves to watch people suffer. Must be defeated for the quest For Peace in Victoria Island.


  • Level: 32
  • HP: 50,000
  • MP: 1,000
  • EXP: 9,999
  • Knock-Back: 15,000
  • Speed: 30


  • Weapon Attack: 180
  • Magic Attack 180
  • Accuracy: 100


  • Weapon Defense: 80
  • Magic Defense: 100

Avoidabillity: 15

Skill Books

  Warrior   Magician   Thief   Bowman Common
  Rush 10   Infinity 10   Triple Throw Skill Book   Dragon's Breath 10   Secret Mastery Book
  Advanced Combo Attack 10   Angel Ray 10   Phantom Blow 10
  Advanced Charge 10   Dark Fog 10   Final Cut 10
  Final Blow 10   Magic Mastery 10
  Soul Stone 10

See Also