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Hiya!!! Firstly, I love Maplestory, and I have soon-to-be priest(EonMagicz, lvl 69) I just started my Wiki account as of 12/12/10. Favorite Class: Definitely Magician (THEY RULE) Least Favorite Class: Probably Warrior, but I'm okay with them too. Favorite Item: Probably the Maple Shine Wand my friend gave me (he's a lvl 113 priest). It is +6 luk, +1 int, high wep and mgk att, and worth a LOT of money. Least Favorite Item: Blue Potion: As a magician at lvl 69, it will take me 504 blue pots to completely fill my mana up. I'm commonly found on Windia, but I do have a lvl 42 Dual Blade on Galacia. SO EXCITED FOR 3RD JOB