Dual Blade

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The Dual Blade is the newest class in Global Maplestory, as of v.88 on July 21, 2010. It is a branch of the Thief class, yet highly separated, identified by their flashy, quick, stabbing & slashing skills. As provided by the maplestory global site:

"There is a secret war raging in the heart of Kerning City. Lady Syl, Dark Lord’s former flame and the daughter of his great mentor, wages a silent war against the Dark Lord and his Thieves from an unknown location simply known as the ‘Secret Garden.’ Convinced that Dark Lord is responsible for her father's death, Lady Syl seeks revenge with the aid of her Dual Blades that wield a deadly weapon in each hand."

I will continue to add information as I gather more to organize. Meanwhile, other contributors are always welcome.


i kill u