Wizard (Ice/Lightning)

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One of the three second job advancement choices of the Magician.

Skills of an Ice/Lightning Wizard

MP Eater

Master Level: 20

Description: Absorbs a percentage of an enemy's MP. However, if the enemy runs out of MP, this skill does nothing.

Type: Passive

Prerequisites: None.

Level 1: 11% chance of success, absorbs 21% of total MP

Level 20: 30% chance of success, absorbs 40% of total MP


Master Level: 20

Description: Raises the party's Magic Attack for a period of time.

Type: Supportive

Prerequisites: MP Eater Level 3.

Level 1: MP-10, +1 M.ATK, 10 seconds.

Level 10: MP-10, +10 M.ATK, 100 seconds.

Level 11: MP-20, +11 M.ATK, 110 seconds.

Level 20: MP-20, +20 M.ATK, 200 seconds.


Master Level: 20

Description: Instantly moves the character a distance in a certain direction.

Type: Supportive

Prerequisites: None.

Level 1: MP-60, 130 distance teleport.

Level 10: MP-33, 130 distance teleport.

Level 11: MP-31, 132 distance teleport.

Level 20: MP-13, 150 distance teleport.


Master Level: 20

Description: Slows down the monsters around you for a period of time. Can slow up to 6 monsters at a time.

Type: Supportive

Prerequisites: Teleport Level 5.

Level 1: MP-8, speed-2, 2 seconds.

Level 10: MP-8, speed-20, 20 seconds.

Level 11: MP-16, speed-22, 22 seconds.

Level 20: MP-16, speed-40, 40 seconds.

Cold Beam

Master Level: 30

Description: Attacks with a block of ice that will freeze any freezable monsters.

Type: Active

Prerequisites: None.

Level 1: MP-12, 13 attack, 1 second freeze, 15% mastery.

Level 30: MP-24, 100 attack, 2 second freeze, 60% mastery.


Master Level: 30

Description: Uses electricity to hit multiple monsters at the same time. (up to 6)

Type: Active

Prerequisites: None.

Level 1: MP-20, 2 attack, 15% mastery

Level 30: MP-40, 60 attack, 60% mastery

Role of an Ice/Lightning Wizard

An Ice/Lightning Wizard mostly uses skills against mobs. It's medium-strength attack, Cold Beam, is used to make it easier to take on mobs by freezing individual monsters. Thunderbolt attacks multiple enemies at the same time, to clear the mobs faster. The other skills are shared with Fire/Poison Wizards.

Skill Distribution

Tree 1: Pure Ice

30: 1 Teleport

31-40: 3 Cold Beam

41: 3 MP Eater

42-47: 3 Meditate 48: 2 Meditate, 1 Thunderbolt

49-57: 3 Thunderbolt

58: 2 Thunderbolt, 1 Teleport

59-64: 3 Teleport

65-69: 3 MP Eater OR 3 Slow

70: 2 MP Eater, 1 Slow OR 3 Slow

Tree 2: Pure Lightning

30: 1 Teleport

31-40: 3 Thunderbolt

41: 3 MP Eater

42-47: 3 Meditate

48: 2 Meditate, 1 Cold Beam

49-57: 3 Cold Beam

58: 2 Cold Beam, 1 Teleport

59-64: 3 Teleport

65-69: 3 MP Eater OR 3 Slow

70: 2 MP Eater, 1 Slow OR 3 Slow

Tree 3: Ice/Lightning

30: 1 Teleport

31-40: 3 Cold Beam

41-50: 3 Thunderbolt

51: 3 MP Eater

52-57: 3 Meditate

58: 2 Meditate, 1 Teleport

59-64: 3 Teleport

65-69: 3 MP Eater OR 3 Slow

70: 2 MP Eater, 1 Slow OR 3 Slow

Tree 4: Lightning/Ice

30: 1 Teleport

31-40: 3 Thunderbolt

41-50: 3 Cold Beam

51: 3 MP Eater

52-57: 3 Meditate

58: 2 Meditate, 1 Teleport

59-64: 3 Teleport

65-69: 3 MP Eater OR 3 Slow

70: 2 MP Eater, 1 Slow OR 3 Slow


During the second job, Ice/Lightning Wizards generally make more money than Fire/Poison, but less than Clerics. Near the end, all 3 come closer together, but during the 4X and 5X and some of 6X, Ice/Lightning remains second. If you picked Ice first (tree 1/3), then you would earn a decent amount of money while leveling at an ok speed. If you picked Lightning first though, you would level a LOT faster at the earlier stages, but waste a lot of money on potions. Usually a Lightning Wizard will use a few million mesos before they max Cold Beam.



30-35: Stick to the Ant Tunnel. Horned Mushrooms are still good.

33-36: Boars. 1-hit kills for 42 EXP.

35-42: Fire Boars. 1-2 hit kills for 60 EXP.

43-50: Jr. Cellion/Jr. Lioner. 1-2 (should be 1) hit kills for 65 EXP, plus 5 EXP per horn with Exchange Quest, and you get some potions to help with training.

51-60: Red Drakes. 220 EXP each, 2-4 hit kills, depending on equipment, and other stuff.

61-70: Stay at Red Drakes, or you can try Hot Sands with your Thunderbolt.


I've personally never played Lightning, so I have no clue.


Ice/Lightning Wizards start fun, but end up getting boring as the training spots start diminishing, starting at level 40 or so. Once you reach the third job though, it becomes a lot more fun. Just be patient, take a break if you need it, and you'll eventually finish.