Bandit Guide

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So, you've decided to become a Bandit. Must be if you're here. Well, this guide will show you how to begin, starting as a Thief and leading into a Bandit. Maybe even more after that.

Well, time to start our journey into Bandithood.

Also, seeing as my guide is far from complete, if you want a greater Bandit guide to view, try Freakonut's One-stop Bandit Guide

Part 3: Bandit

So, as I said already, you're a Bandit. Woohoo! Not much I can really say now. So I'll go with stats and pros and cons.


Being a Thief your stats should be somewhat similar at level 30.

  • STR-4 Unless you are planning on being a STR Bandit. It should then be Your Level - 10 Example, LEVEL 30 STR should be 20
  • DEX-60 Your DEX should remain twice your level for now. Keep it at the minimum of what's needed for your equipment. After level 40, just add 1 each level forever. Example, LEVEL 50 DEX should be 90.
  • INT-4 INT is not needed for a Thief and it should be as low as possible. It would only increase your Magic Attack.
  • LUK-?? I'm not sure of the exact amount, but it should be more than enough to wear your equipment, seeing as it has all the other points not added into DEX or STR


  • Can battle up close
  • The Savage Blow skill can attack up to 6 times in a second
  • Great Damage
  • Some people say it requires less mesos to manage


  • Is not ranged
  • Can not attack as fast as Assassins. (The main Thief guide states that, but I say they can attack faster...but they are basically even.)
  • Potions can cost a lot, especially being up close and taking damage, and Savage Blow draining MP

They sucks at lvl 30-75,when 75+ they are strong and even maxed Savage blow is only 80% and they dont get CRITICAL ATTACKS!(i recommend assasin)

What Skills to Add

Again, this is a list I made up and may be similar to the main Thief Guides. Mainly because I edited the main Thief guides skills to my liking, and what I thought would be more appropriate.

As a Bandit, you can take two starting options: Master Savage Blow: Dagger, or Dagger Mastery first.

  • Level 30: +1 Dagger Mastery
  • Level 31: +3 Dagger Mastery
  • Level 32: +3 Dagger Mastery
  • Level 33: +3 Dagger Mastery
  • Level 34: +3 Dagger Mastery
  • Level 35: +3 Dagger Mastery
  • Level 36: +3 Dagger Mastery (19/20)
  • Level 37: +3 Savage Blow: Dagger
  • Level 38: +3 Savage Blow: Dagger
  • Level 39: +3 Savage Blow: Dagger
  • Level 40: +3 Savage Blow: Dagger
  • Level 41: +3 Savage Blow: Dagger
  • Level 42: +3 Savage Blow: Dagger
  • Level 43: +3 Savage Blow: Dagger
  • Level 44: +3 Savage Blow: Dagger
  • Level 45: +3 Savage Blow: Dagger
  • Level 46: +3 Savage Blow: Dagger (30/30 MAX)
  • Level 47: +1 Dagger Mastery (20/20 MAX), +2 Dagger Booster
  • Level 48: +3 Dagger Booster
  • Level 49: +1 Dagger Booster, +2 Haste
  • Level 50: +3 Haste
  • Level 51: +3 Haste
  • Level 52: +3 Haste
  • Level 53: +3 Haste
  • Level 54: +3 Haste
  • Level 55: +3 Haste (20/20 MAX)
  • Level 56: +3 Dagger Booster
  • Level 57: +3 Dagger Booster
  • Level 58: +3 Dagger Booster
  • Level 59: +3 Dagger Booster
  • Level 60: +2 Dagger Booster (20/20 MAX), +1 Endure
  • Level 61: +3 Endure
  • Level 62: +3 Endure
  • Level 63: +3 Endure
  • Level 64: +3 Endure
  • Level 65: +3 Endure
  • Level 66: +3 Endure
  • Level 67: +1 Endure (20/20 MAX), +2 Disorder (20/20 MAX) OR +2 Dark Sight (20/20 MAX)
  • Level 68: +3 Steal
  • Level 69: +3 Steal
  • Level 70: +3 Steal (9/30)

The main Thief guide showed maxing Dagger Mastery at Level 70. I thought it was foolish, so I chose to max it earlier. And at LEVEL 70, the main Thief showed maxing Disorder or Dark Sight then, but that too was foolish, but it doesn't actually matter much.

The Third Job Advancement

Well, here we are. Finally, it's time to teach you about the Third Job Advancement. Well actually, my main is still short of level 70, so I can't really teach you much. Actually I'm not planning on working past this part until I figure out how I think the skills should be distributed and such. Well, I ask all of you who read this guide to make corrections when needed, and please refrain from damaging this guide. Thank you.

Brief Thank You's

This is where I am going to thank people. I guess.

  • Thanks to Me (Forum name TheGamePhreak) for creating this guide.
  • Thanks to the Main Thief Guide, for all its information that helped me on this.
  • Thanks to Kiyobi for his guide, which I "borrowed" some ideas from.
(And for editing this guide for grammar XD) -Kiyobi 23:16, 30 March 2007 (CDT)
  • Thanks to You for reading this.
  • Thanks to Wizet for creating Maple Story Global.
  • Lastly, Thanks to Mapletip for hosting MapleWiki and mine and other guides.