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The Archer is the first job advancement for a Bowman.

Another way for the starting for both jobs (optional)

Another way if you want to train fast at the starting is to add your DEX to 25 (stop adding) and add the rest to strength.You only apply this until level 15 and then you follow the guides above. In this way you will save arrows (as 10 using a bow is a waste of money),but you will use a melee weopan from 10 to 15.(Preferably, use a metal axe)

Recommended Training spots

Level 1-10

Maple Island

Level 10-15

Henesys Hunting Ground I (Perfect for Sniping)

The infamous Slime Tree

NOTE: The Slime Tree can be difficult due to the rough terrain that you may be wasting arrows. Using a melee weapon is good for the generous spawn.

The Tree That Grew 1

Level 15-18

The Slime Tree

The Tree That Grew 1

Henesys Hunting Ground 1

Level 18-20

Kerning City Construction Site

The Slime Tree

The Tree That Grew 1

Pig Beach

Level 20-25

Pig Beach

Kerning City Construction Site

Henesys Hunting Ground 1 or the Southern Forest (train on green mush)

Level 25-30

Party Questing in Kerning City

Ant Tunnel 1

Kerning City Construction Site

Over The Wall

Level 30-35

Land of the Wild Boar 1 & 2

Ant Tunnels

Level 35-40

Land of the Wild Boar 1 & 2

Ant Tunnels

The Garden of Three Colors; Green, Yellow, or Red.

Becoming a Crossbowman orHunter

When you are a level 30 archer, return to Athena Pierce. She will then give you a letter, and tell you to give it to another instructor. This instructor is located in dungeon entrance from Henesys. After you talk to her you go to a dungeon. You have to obtain 30 Dark Marbles from killing Evil Eyes and Horny Mushrooms. Then talk to the instructor to get Proof of a Hero. Return to Athena Pierce to become your second job.