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Ludibrium is a subcontinent of Ossyria, located over Lake Ludis in the MapleStory world. It can be accessed by riding the flying train, located in Orbis. It is entirely made of Lego Blocks, thus many players give it the nickname "Legoland" or "Toyland". Ludibrium also hosts a large amount of monsters. In the MapleGlobal and MapleSEA version of MapleStory, Ludibrium has been one of the newest additions.

About Ludibrium

Ludibrium is home to many new quests, npcs and items. The design of the monsters is different than those on Victoria Island, for they match the block and factory backgrounds of Ludibrium. Therefore, most of the monsters are block-like, toylike, robotic, and/or have something to do with mechanics (think legos and maple mixed together). Some examples include the Block Golem, King Bloctopus, Klock and Panda Teddy.

Within Ludibrium

There are many attractions and quests in Ludibrium. Here is a list of some of the important areas within the sub-continent.

Ludibrium Party Quest

One of the main quests in Ludibrium is the Ludibrium PQ. This Party Quest provides a change of pace in training, and can be very challenging. The boss of the PQ is Alishar, which can be very difficult to defeat in the early levels. The Ludibrium PQ is only available to those levels 35-50.

Eos Tower

Ludibrium is also home to the Eos Tower, similar to the Orbis Tower of Ossyria. However, the Eos Tower contains 101 floors,(some being one huge map with one landing called a "floor") compared to the Orbis Tower's 20 floors. You enter the tower from Ludibrium, beginning in the 100th floor. At the bottom of the Eos Tower, there is a portal leading to the Omega Sector: Safety Zone (Currently unavailable on MapleSEA and was made available on MapleGlobal on version 0.24). It is an area full of aliens.