Item Price List
This is just a list of item prices. If you want to find an item, search it by using Ctrl-F. (The list keeps growing, feel free to add!) But please write your name so you get credit for your submission.
How To Edit
Please use the same format as already used, once again please leave your name. As this list is relatively short as of now. k=1,000 mesos. 15k=15,000 mesos m=1,000,000 mesos 23m=23,000,000 mesos
Price Mistake?
These prices may change due to inflation or changes in the game. If so, kindly just change the prices. Note that these prices are not Free Market prices, and are just an approximation.
The Addition of Monster Carnival
The addition of Monster Carnival in NA Maplestory may drastically change the prices of items. The Lionheart, for example, which used to cost about 250,000 mesos, are now only worth around 150k because of the addition of Monster Carnival; it's worth 7 Maple Coins. See Monster Carnival for a complete list of Maple Coin prizes and/or more details.
If you expect to find prices for items that can be bought from stores, you will be very unlikely to find it. If there is such an item price, it will be exactly the price that it will be in the store. Don't expect to find which store.
Use Items
- Speed Pill:1k
- Mana Elixir: 500mesos
- Elixir: 2k-5k
- Power Elixir: 5k-11k
- Ginger Ale: 3k-7k
- Mana Bull: 1.5k+
- Barbarian Elixir: 1.5k-2k
- Sorcerer Elixir: 3k-4k
- Onyx Apple: 1m-2.5m
Throwing Stars
- Subi:500 mesos at store
- Wolbi: 10k-50k
- Snowball: 40k-100k
- Mokbi: 50k-200k
- Wooden Top: 150k-250k
- Icicles: 300k-600k
- Kumbi: 150k-300k
- Maple Star: 200k-400k
- Tobi: 250k-1m
- Steely: 6m-8.5m
- Ilbi: 10m-23m
- Hwabi: 15m-30m
- Crystal Ilbi: 10m-30m
- Arrow for Bow: 1 - Bought in Any Potion Store
- Arrow for Crossbow: 1 - Bought in Any Potion Store
- Bronze Arrow for Bow: 10
- Bronze Arrow for Crossbow: 10
- Diamond Arrow for Bow: 50+
- Diamond Arrow for Crossbow: 50+
- Steel Arrow for Bow: 100+
- Steel Arrow for Crossbow: 100+
Mastery Books
Mastery Books range in prices from 250k to up to 10m! The most expensive Mastery Books are:
- Chain Lightning [Ice-Lightning Arch Mage]
- Berserk [Dark Knight]
- Triple Throw [Night Lord]
- Boomerang Step [Shadower]
- Ifrit [Ice-Lightning Arch Mage]
- Advanced Charge [Hero]
- Genesis [Bishop]
- Sharp Eyes [Bowmaster / Marksman]
- Maple Hero [All Fourth Job Classes]
- 10% Scroll for Overall Armor for DEX: 250k-750k
- Red Whip: 500k-3m
- Maple Sword: 400k-3m
- Doombringer: 10m-20m
- Blue Screamer: 10m-20m
- Lionheart: 150k-200k
- Maple Doom Singer: 250k-1.5m
- The Rising: 500k
- Fairfrozen: 10m-20m
- Zeco: 100k-500k
Pole Arm
- Blood Snowboard: 100k-950k
- Maple Snowboard: 1m-10m
- Red Snowboard: 1m-5m
- White Snowboard: 1m-5m
- Yellow Valentine Rose: 5k-15k
- Red Valentine Rose: 15k-30k
- Blue Valentine Rose: 25k-80k
- Maple Claw: 400k-2.5m
- Maple Kandayo: 500k-3.5m
- Maple Skanda: 1m-3.5m
- Shinkita: 400k-3m
- Korean Fan: 250k-2.5m
- Maple Wagner: 300k-3.5m
- Maple Asura Dagger: 1m-3m
- Deadly Fin: 1m-5m
- Maple Soul Searcher: 300k-2.5m
- Maple Lama Staff - 300k-4m
- Maple Shine Wand: 1m-3m
- Cromi: 500k-1m (Price dropped because of Monster Carnival)
- Stolen Fence: 2k
- Pan Lid: 50k-300k
- Esther Shield: 500k-2m
- Nimble Wristguard: 1m-5m
- Maple Magician Shield: 2m-7.5m
- Mystic Shield: 700k-1.4m
- Jurgen Wristguard: 1.5m-5m
- Zakum Helmet: 20m-50m
- Brown Bamboo Hat: 50k-150k
- Green Bamboo Hat: 80k-120k
- Blue Bamboo Hat: 50k-150k
- Blue Sauna Robe: 500k-1.5m
- Red Sauna Robe: 1m-2m
- Dark Anakamoon: 1m-5m
- Blue Napoleon: 500k-2.5m
- Icarus Cape (1): 1m-3m
- Old Raggedy Cape: 300k-2m
- Celestial Earring: 70k-150k
- Leaf Earring: 150k-300k
- Spiegelmann's Necklace: 3m-7m
Etc. Items
- Leather: 200-5k
- Screw: 1k-10k
- Gold Plate: 50k-120k
- Black Crystal: 50k-100k
- Diamond: 50k-200k
- Dark Crystal: 70k-150k
- Sky Blue Wooden Chair: 1k
- 1 Fame: 5k-50k