User talk:Chermaine
Australia. You? EmeraldMystery 08:55, 1 August 2008 (UTC)
Country of Origination
US. California born and raised. dagon12 02:11am, 1 August 2008 (Pacific)
Hey, as you might know, many small maps like Carta's Cave, Cold Cave, and other small maps don't have minimaps. So, just asking if you could get a few screenshots of the following maps (not minimaps, it would be better if there are), so we could add to our database:
- Cold Cave (Aqua Road)
- Carta's Cave (Aqua Road)
- A Small Cave (Aqua Road)
- Orbis tower hidden room (10th floor of orbis tower)
- Orbis tower hugh's laboratory (orbis tower b2)
possibly the maps of ship rides:
- ludibrium ship ride
- orbis ship ride
- leafre ship ride
- mulung ship ride
- ariant ride
i asked yongjianrong this, but he couldn't get any. once u've added them, just upload them and tell me what they are. i'll edit them and edit the maps that don't have minimaps. i could do this myself, but too bad i'm not aloud to play maplestory anymore.
you don't have to waste your time on this. it would be appreciated if you do.
T.S.T 02:00, 11 August 2008 (UTC)