Guide to a Well-Trained Magician

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Guide to a Well-Trained Magician Demonstration

Welcome to my guide of a well-trained Magician in MapleStory! This guide is specially made for people who want to become magicians....and BEYOND!! In this guide just for people like you, you can learn all about how to play MapleStory, being a well-trained Magician, and a lot of other cool things. Please take your time to browse around!(Though It's not complete, just a partion of it is open for the public. Sorry for the slow work, but I am always busy.X0

Registering and Downloading

This article is for when you are going to register and start the game. If you already registered, you can skip this part.

Go to [1] to sign up. I will have to remind you that some computers cannot play MapleStory because they aren't fast enough or the computer will lag often.

Click to see the requirements of what your computer must be in order to play

When you are on the website, look at the left and you will see this sign right next to login.

This is the icon to click to register

Once you have click on this icon, the next step will appear, saying to tell them your age.(Remember to ask parent/guardian permission before saying your age if you are 12 and under. Nexon will not except ages 12 and under without permission. After you asked, you can say you're 13 and over.)Once done, press "Proceed to Sign up!". On the next page, you will be asked to create a Nexon Account.(this account will be the account to login into MapleStory.)

You should be able to see this when you go to the next step on the right hand corner of the page

You will have to check if the account has been used or not on the right. It will tell you if you can use that account or not. Next create a password.(this password will be the password to login into MapleStory)Now comfirm it(to confirm, you type the password again.)Then tell them your email address. Just like the password, confirm the email address. I don't suggest using someone else's email, because it can get very confusing. Afterwards, click on "Next". Now, you will have to tell your name. Don't worry, Nexon will never, ever tell anyone or staff your real name. Once you told all your personals, you will be asked to make security questions. These questions are here to help you when you forget your password or login account. Just type in the answer of the questions, and then you will need to type a certain code in the box below. Type in what you see, and then click on "Done!" If the code you did wasn't right, you will be asked to do it again. This code is there in case there is a virus-related programming that can harm the website wants to make an account, the computer cannot figure out the number combination because of the colors of the background distracts it. Once you click "Done!", you will be finished! But I may be wrong because I remember when I signed up, there was a part that tell you about all agreeing to the policy. If there is such part, you will have to check on the policy parts(There are 2 boxes for 2 policy agreements.)I recommend you not to click on the top one if you're using your anyone else's account because they will be receiving all these letters about MapleStory when they don't play! It is your choice to check it or not when you're using your own email address. I reccomend you don't because this will jam your email full of junk if you don't check your email on a daily basis. However, if you choose to check it, you can know notices on when there will be a new patch, event, etc. It's your choice!

Important:Once you have made an NX account, you will be sent a verification code to your email address. This will come handy later on.

Once you have an account, go click on the icon saying "Login".

This is how the Login icon looks like

The page you are in now should look like this on top of the login area:Login bg01.gif

On the bottom of that picture, there is a box to login, one for your account and one for your password, once you click login, you will be sent to a page saying to type your verification code.(Now is the time to check your email address for your verification code. In your mail it should say the verification code. It could be CAPS LOCK or not. Try both ways. Hint: copy the verification code down so that you don't have to keep pressing back and forth to look at the code in your email.If it is not there, it could be because your email server is running a clean up or downloading new updates,or maybe because you typed the wrong email address, etc. There is a button for when you don't have your mail, they can send you another mail containing another verification code.(If you type the wrong email address from the beggining this button won't help you, sorry!! You'll have to make another account!)Once done, you will be logged in! Where the login and signup icons used to be, there will show your account. It is blank with a question mark because you didn't become a magician yet.

Now it's time to download!!!(Although many agree that this is the most boring part of your story)Now I know you're asking why do we have to download? I've been triggered by this question before and so have millions and millions of other players. The answer is that MapleStory is a ClientUser, meaning that you will have to download it onto your computer to play it. Now when you want to start downloading, click on "Game Download". It should be below your account info, or if you're logged out, the signup and login icons.

This is the Game Download icon

Clicking this will go to a page where it shows you about the requirements to download the game.(I already showed you the graph in the beggining.)Click on either:

Download22 11.gifORDownload22 12.gif

(The red one on the bottom isn't downloading! Remember this!)If you are to click the left one,it means that you will be downloading it whole instead of in parts. There will be a screen that pops up. Click on Save and then it will start downloading. This downloading time takes overall:approx. 2 hrs. If you click on any of the right ones,(part 1-20; the RAR. cannot be clicked)it means you will be downloading it in parts. Just like the left one there will be the same screen. Click on save, and it will start downloading. Each part takes overall:approx. 5-6 minutes, depending on how fast it can be. But if you download MapleStory in parts, the overall time for all the downloading would take about more than 2 hrs.(excluding the time wasted on putting in onto the wallpaper, etc.) It is your choice. Once you have downloaded MapleStory on the screen that has a globe with a computer, there will be a place that says the download is complete. Click on Run to start up another screen.Click Next when the screen shows up.

Here is how the screen looks like when you press Next

Then another screen shows up saying that you have successfully downloaded MapleStory! Whew! I barely survived that one! I hope you did, too!X0 On your wallpaper, the Maplestory icon should look like this:

Install12 07.gif

Starting up the Game

When you double click the icon for MapleStory, a screen pops up. Wait for a while until the "Play!" button turns sky blue. Then the entire computer will go black.(Don't worry, this happens right before the game when the Nexon and Wizet icons appear. After they do, the MapleStory Login Screen should pop up.(If you can hear music but nothing on the screen, and then it turns back to your main wallpaper, check on [2] to see what the problem is. Click on FAQ's in Support on top of the screen. There should be a question about errors.

Click on this to see how the start screen is supposed to look like

When you type in the information required, you will see another screen pop up. It shows about creating your P.I.N. This pin is very important for logging in. It is for higher security. Keep it somewhere safe and make a pin that is hard for someone to guess. After making a pin, type in the pin again to jump onto another platform. There you will see 7 worlds: Kradia, Mardia, Bera, Bellocan, Windia, Scania, and Khaini. Kradia is the newest world, so I suggest you go there(if Kradia isn't there, it means that Nexon didn't finish yet.)If this happens, I suggest Windia, or Mardia. Windia has a little bit more population than Mardia, but if you want to seek trades(trading an item(s) for another item(s)), I suggest Windia. Mardia is the place if you seek quietness, since it is the second latest world in MapleGlobal. But whatever you do, don't go to Scania! It is highly populated, meaning there will be a lot of hackers. It is easy for people to hack into somebody's account if there's a lot of population going about. Thus, your computer might lag and your internet might disconnect, etc. because of a lot of accounts bunched together. This might happen in especially the free market, and where events will happen. So whatever you do, don't go to Scania! But, if you want to, I can't stop you. It is your story, after all. Once chosen a world, you will see another screen with channels. These channels are so that people don't have to bunch together. I suggest any channel other than channel 1 because that channel is mostly for trading. Once you choose a channel, you will jump into yet another screen with a bridge sort of thing. Since you didn't make your avatar yet, you will have to make one. Press on "Make A Character" and you will see all the things to make your own avatar. Be creative with the choices. It's your story. Then make a name. You must check if somebody is using that name or not.(My brother was stuck here for about half an hour trying to make a name he likes.) If somebody already got the name you want, try another name. Be creative, but whatever you do, don't put any personal info into that name. For example: Don't put your real name. (Calvinwang88) Don't put your tele/cellphone number.(cell6268198390)

Don't put your address. (8945riverst.elpaso,tx) There are lots more, but don't put any of them on your avatar's name!

Rolling Stat Game

Here is the part where a lot of people say it is the second-most boring.(next to downloading.) In this game, you roll a dice to randomly get your STR, DEX, LUK, and INT. STR stands for strength, DEX for dexterity, LUK for luck, and INT for intelligence. Now since you want to become a magician, you want to keep rolling the dice until you get a combination of this: STR=4 or 5 DEX=4 or 5 LUK=(can be any number) INT=(can be any number)

STR and DEX can be 4 or 5, it doesn't matter. Since LUK and INT are the only ones magicians should worry about, each time you level you should Ability Points on these:LUK Your lv.+2, and the rest to INT. (Later on, I will show you how to access the screen in the game for Abiltiy Points.) Now you may be able to begin!

Control Keys

You should always remember that the Menu icon will let you Change Channels and quit the game. Channels are individuals of worlds, so that it won't be that crowded. The main controls are moving around and climbing ladders. To move left and right, use the left/right keys of the arrow keys. To climb on a ladder/rope/vine, press up to go up and down to go down. Remember, the only way to go on a ladder/rope/vine is by press the up button. To attack, press CTRL. This move is for using mace, spears, and other weapons to attack your opponent, which are the monsters. To jump, press "Alt". Occasionally, you will have to do a jump to reach a ladder/rope/vine. First, get a wide space to "run" for your jump. When you jump, hold on the up key. Once you get close enough the ladder/rope/vine, you will be on it but remember to hold the up button until you reach the ladder/rope/vine. To go into a portal to another map, press the up button when you are on top of the portal(shining ray of light). To see the rest of the control keys, go to [3] and click on all of the icons for more info(except for CashShop Guide because that's where you use real money to buy temporary MapleStory equipment):

Contents banner.gif

In Mushroom Training Camp

When you start a new character for an ecxiting adventure of battles and into the not-so-flat 2D game of MapleStory, you will start in a platform with a lady and an entrance. Everyone starts of as lv. 1 when they reach this point. On the bottom left-hand corner, it shows your level. To start training in the real world right away, double-click (this move will be helpful to click on Non-playing characters such as the lady during your story of adventures)her and she will say something. Click on the screen in which the lady is saying something to make the words display automatically so you don't have to wait for the words to appear. Click "Yes" if you are really sure to go into the real world without training or if you want to change your mind and get some training in the camp, click "No". If you clicked yes, you will arrive onto Maple Island. Start training right away.Enter the entrance if you clicked no, which is the shining ray thing. Click up, and then you will arrive in the camp. Inside the camp you will notice that you're wearing an apple suit instead of your avatar's clothes. Everyone in the camp where's this and it will come out stimutaneously once you exit. Look around the camp and walk around. Go through the portals and eventually you will come to a part of a map where there are tutorial monsters. These are recognized with the CTRL button on top of their heads. They will not damage you because they specialize on tutoring you to battle monsters, but don't mistake these for the same type of monster but doesn't have a CTRL on top of it. Those without the CTRL sign are really strong for begginers, so don't hunt for them in the real world. You will notice that everytime you hit the monsters, you gain more and more in the EXP. Bar. This bar shows you when to level up; for example, when it reaches 100%, you will level up and this sign hovers above you for a few seconds thus making a sound that faints stimultaneously with the sign. Then you will get 0% or a little bit more once leveling up to start the bar all over again. Right next to the bar, you will see 2 other bars, a blue one saying MP and a red one saying HP. MP are your mana, for when you will use magical powers later on in your story, so you don't have to worry about it yet. HP are your hit points. You should always stock up your potions for training because when your hit points are all used up, you die and lose some EXP. and get will get sent to the nearest town nearby. Now exit the camp and talk to the lady. Click Yes and start your grand adventure!

Beginner Basics

You will have to travel around the small-yet-complex island of Maple. This island is designed to be beginner-friendly, since it's strongest monster is only an orange mushroom, which you can overcome by level 8-10. Train hard, and do quests. Remember, your LUK is supposed to be +2 of your level and the rest of the AP goes to INT. Don't complain about the hard work, because the training gets harder and harder as each level passes by. Monsters that you can already conquer will give you less and less EXP. as you level up, so it is mandatory that you aboard the instantaneous trip to Victoria Island for your future job when you are level 7-8. By level 8, you should have at least 20 INT. Once you become level 8, go to Victoria Island quickly to become a magician. You will arrive at Lith Harbor, a little sea port in the south-western tip of Victoria Island. Once you exit Lith Harbor, go to the right, which will take you east. Then you will arrive in the over-populated city of Henesys. Pack your potions here and then head even more eastwards. When you arrive in a forest, you will know that you're in the vicinity of Ellinia, the capital for magicians and wizards alike. Ellinia is a forest-city, and if you fall you can lose some HP. You will have to go to the highest point of Ellinia, which may take a while. Up there, you will see the Magic Library. Go into the portal, and you will see the Magic Library. Grendel, the instructor to becoming a magician, will be meditating inside the library. Double-Click on him, and he will ask you if you want to become a magician. Click Yes and he will grant you your wish. Please note that you must have at least 20 INT and be at least level 8 for Grendel's grant. Once granted, you will be able to become a magician!

Skills for Magicians

There are 6 skills for magicians in all. To level up the skills, press the key k. There will be a screen of skills for magicians. I suggest you put 1 or 2 levels in energy bolt once being granted in the Magic Library, and 1 or 2 in Magic Claw. These are the offensive skills, so you can don't have to use swords while training and leveling up as a magician. Please note that Magician skills use MP, so now not only you'll have to stock up potions for HP but for MP as well. Also, Magicians are the class that uses most MP during their adventures and stories. Now I will show you the skills of magicians:

Magician001.gif Skill: Improving MP Recovery | Master Level:16 | Type: Passive

Description: Recovering even more MP every 10 sec. The higher the level of the character and the skill level the more recovery the character enables to have.

Level 1:constant additional recovery

Level 2:more recovery than Level 1

Level 3:more recovery than Level 2

Level 4:more recovery than Level 3

Level 5:more recovery than Level 4

Level 6:more recovery than Level 5

Level 7:more recovery than Level 6

Level 8:more recovery than Level 7

Level 9:more recovery than Level 8

Level 10:more recovery than Level 9

Level 11:more recovery than Level 10

Level 12:more recovery than Level 11

Level 13:more recovery than Level 12

Level 14:more recovery than Level 13

Level 15:more recovery than Level 14

Level 16:more recovery than Level 15

Magician002.gif Skill:Improving Max MP Increase | Master Level:10 | Type: Passive | Description: This skill boosts up the amount of increase on MaxMP, after each level up, or AP used on MaxMP.

Level 1:if level up,+2 more; if AP applied,+1 more on MaxMP

Level 2:if level up,+4 more; if AP applied,+2 more on MaxMP

Level 3:if level up,+6 more; if AP applied,+3 more on MaxMP

Level 4:if level up,+8 more; if AP applied,+4 more on MaxMP

Level 5:if level up,+10 more; if AP applied,+5 more on MaxMP

Level 6:if level up,+12 more; if AP applied,+6 more on MaxMP

Level 7:if level up,+14 more; if AP applied,+7 more on MaxMP

Level 8:if level up,+16 more; if AP applied,+8 more on MaxMP

Level 9:if level up,+18 more; if AP applied,+9 more on MaxMP

Level 10:if level up,+20 more; if AP applied,+10 more on MaxMP

Magician003.gif Skill:Magic Guard | Master Level:20 | Type:Supportive | Description: Temporarily replaces damage with MP instead of HP. If MP reaches 0, HP takes a full hit. I don't recommend this move.

Level 1:MP-6; 11% of HP damage as MP for 111 sec.

Level 2:MP-6; 14% of HP damage as MP for 132 sec.

Level 3:MP-6; 17% of HP damage as MP for 153 sec.

Level 4:MP-6; 20% of HP damage as MP for 174 sec.

Level 5:MP-6; 23% of HP damage as MP for 195 sec.

Level 6:MP-8; 30% of HP damage as MP for 246 sec.

Level 7:MP-8; 33% of HP damage as MP for 267 sec.

Level 8:MP-8; 36% of HP damage as MP for 288 sec.

Level 9:MP-8; 39% of HP damage as MP for 309 sec.

Level 10:MP-8; 42% of HP damage as MP for 330 sec.

Level 11:MP-10; 49% of HP damage as MP for 381 sec.

Level 12:MP-10; 52% of HP damage as MP for 402 sec.

Level 13:MP-10; 55% of HP damage as MP for 423 sec.

Level 14:MP-10; 58% of HP damage as MP for 444 sec.

Level 15:MP-10; 61% of HP damage as MP for 465 sec.

Level 16:MP-12; 68% of HP damage as MP for 516 sec.

Level 17:MP-12; 71% of HP damage as MP for 537 sec.

Level 18:MP-12; 74% of HP damage as MP for 558 sec.

Level 19:MP-12; 77% of HP damage as MP for 579 sec.

Level 20:MP-12; 80% of HP damage as MP for 600 sec.

(I'm not finished!Plz wait for further notice.Dejavumage88 22:07, 6 October 2007 (CDT))