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Guild Introduction

Have some mesos to spare? Want to have a cool emblem under your character and a longer buddy list? Then a guild seems like a good idea!

A guild in itself is basically as I just mentioned,an extended buddy list, a way to communicate with other people who you enjoy playing with.

Creating A Guild

To start a guild you need a few things.

  • 1,500,000 Mesos.
  • 6 Members in a Party, making sure the individual purchasing the Guild is the leader.

Once you have the above then you're ready! Head over to the top left of Orbis and enter the portal here. You'll then arrive at the Guild HQ!

Get your party to enter the building and ask them to wait there whilst you talk to Heracle who will set your guild up for you.

First he will take your meso then ask you to give your Guild a name.

NOTE: Keep in mind the Guild Name must be Unique to your server and cannot contain special characters or spaces.

And if it meets the're done!

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You now have a Guild and can now access your Guild stat screen by pressing G. This will display the following:

  • Members of the guild.
  • Current Level of all members.
  • Whether the member is Online or Offline.
  • Their current hierarchy rank.


Okay, so the hard bit is done, now for the fun stuff.

There are 5 different ranks, all of which are customizable, although 2 of these have slightly different powers.

For example, when you first create a guild you will have the following default rank system:

Master - Full power, can expel, rename ranks, promote/demote members, create Guild messages, create emblem, delete guild and expand the guild. If the master quits the Guild then the entire Guild is abandoned (Disbanding the guild requires 200,000 Mesos.).

Jr. Master - Moderate power, can expel, promote/demote members and create Guild messages.

Member x 3 - No power.

So you're probably thinking, but I don't want to keep the boring default titles! Well luckily you can edit them! Unfortunately you're pretty limited but nonetheless it's fun to mess with.

NOTE: Keep in mind the Rank Name cannot contain special characters or spaces.


So great, everything is going good, but surely 10 members is not enough! You want more right?

For a certain price you can extend Guilds to take more members. However this price is somewhat expensive and may prove a little daunting after just spending 1.5 million on a Guild.

The first expansion will increase your maximum members by 5, the downside is that this will cost you a hefty 500,000 mesos.

The second expansion will cost a staggering 1,500,000 mesos and again will increase your guilds maximum members by 5.

Third costs 2,500,000 with the same member increase.

Fourth and final expansion costs a dizzying 3,500,000 mesos, but will increase your maximum members to 30.

Guild Emblems

The final thing a Guild needs is an Emblem, an emblem not only looks funky but it will create alot more interest in your guild, hence more characters will be willing to join.

To create a guild emblem simply head back to the Guild HQ in Orbis and speak to Lea.

She will ask for 500,000 and then show you the Emblem Screen.

There are over 300 combinations and you can edit the icon,background,border and color.

Once paid for and chosen the emblem will appear under every members character.

Extra Notes

  • Members can leave Guilds at their own accord.
  • Any character can only have 1 Guild.
  • A Guild Master cannot delete their own character without first leaving their own guild.