Mu Lung Dojo

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This party quest functions in a similar manner to Boss Rush(or Agent Boss PQ) with a few exceptions. The player must fight bosses from the weakest to the strongest with the weakest boss being Mano, these bosses are slightly stronger than the originals. Unlike Boss Rush, some World Tour bosses are also included in this Party Quest. The player fights in a 'mortal combat' like style where the players health bar and the boss's health bar appears at the top along with an energy meter located on the left side of the screen. The energy bar increases after every hit the player received from the boss and its minions. Once full, the player has access to three special skills:

  • Bamboo Rain (Meteor Shower) - The player gathers bamboo and rains it on all of the monsters on the field. Deals damage equivalent to 30% of the boss's HP.
  • Invisibility - The player is granted a buff that makes the player immune to attacks. The player will be surrounded by a shield to represent this. Can still be afflicted by status affects however. The buff only lasts about a minute.
  • Power Explosion - The player is granted a buff that increases their attack speed and damage.

There are a total of 32 rounds with each round fighting one boss.

The Dojo can be accesed through Mu Lung, Orbis, Korean Folk Town, Ellinia, and Kerning City by talking to the Mu Lung Dojo Bulletin Board.

Tips and Tricks

The skills are obtained by receiving damage from the monster. The higher the damage of the monster, the faster the bar will charge up. The bar refers to the Red/Yellow/Orange/Green bar at the left hand corner of the screen. When it is charged up, the fullness will last for a few ten seconds. After that, damage must be again, received to ensure the bar's fullness. Make sure that there is a Cleric before getting damage from the monsters. Also, save them for stages such as the Lord Pirate stage, which you only have 1 MINUTE to fight this level 90 monster, which is quite hard without any skills. Monsters such as the Centipede Boss and Alishar are good stages to power up your skills as they are easy to fight and you will have 5 minutes for those stages. The hardness begins at the Crimson Balrog stage as Magic Guard will not even hold long for Clerics, or any Magician classes, or any other classes,even a decent lvl 70 to 80s party will die almost instantly. Remember, for the Crimson Balrog, it will be very hard because, in the first place, you are not allowed to use your own potions. If bosses like Alishar/King Slime summon monsters, that is the chance to get potion and replenish your HP and MP. Use them wisely.


  • There are currently 32 levels in the training center with each boss to be defeated each round.
  1. Mano
  2. Stumpy
  3. Dewu
  4. King Slime
  5. Giant Centipede

Rest Point

  1. Faust
  2. King Clang
  3. Mushmom
  4. Alishar
  5. Timer

Rest Point

  1. Dile/Dale
  2. Papa Pixie
  3. Zombie Mushmom
  4. Jeno
  5. Lord Pirate

Rest Point

  1. Gumiho/Old Fox
  2. Tae Roon
  3. Super Charged Poison Golem Level 3(Elin Forest pq boss)
  4. King Sage Cat
  5. Jr. Balrog

Rest Point

  1. Eliza
  2. Frankenroid (Magatia PQ boss)
  3. Chimera
  4. Snack Bar (Formosa's Night Market master monster)
  5. Snowman

Rest Point

  1. Blue Mushmom
  2. Crimson Balrog
  3. Manon
  4. Griffey
  5. Leviathan

Rest Point

  1. Papulatus Clock
  2. Mu Gong
  • Once the player defeats the final boss, they arrive at the topmost roof of the tower where they are rewarded exp. Here, the player can jump down from the tower falling many stories downwards until they land on the bottommost part of the tower.


Defeating the bosses gives points, collect the points to get different belts.

After a belt is obtained, you still keep the points, for example: Getting the white belt would mean you still keep the 200 points required for it, so you would need 1600 more to get the yellow belt. However, in order to get that belt again, you would have to reset your points and then collect that many again.


You are also given medals for each bosses you have killed 100 times. They last one day.