Template:Thief weapons

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Thief Weapons
Levels 1-10
Fruit Knife - Garnier - Kuma
Levels 11-20
Triangular Zamadar - Gold Titans - Mithril Titans - Steel Titans - Field Dagger - Triple-Tipped Zamadar - Adamantium Igor - Bronze Igor - Steel Igor - Coconut Dagger
Levels 21-30
Ice Wand - Stinger - Meba - Iron Dagger - Forked Dagger - Adamantium Guards - Steel Guards - Mithril Guards - Cass - Reef Claw
Levels 31-40
Halfmoon Zamadar - Maple Claw - Bronze Guardian - Dark Guardian - Silver Guardian - Gephart - Adamantium Avarice - Steel Avarice - Dark Avarice - Blood Avarice - Bazlud - Dragon’s Toenail
Levels 41-50
Maple Wagner - Maple Kandayo - Blood Slain - Dark Slain - Steel Slain - Neva - Deadly Fin - Lozenge Dagger - Lui Bei Dagger - Sai - Shinkita
Levels 51-60
Musashi Claw - Shinobi Bracer - Bushido - Bronze Gigantic - Dark Gigantic - Sapphire Gigantic - Blood Gigantic - Deadly Fin - Serphent’s Coil
Levels 61-70
Maple Asura Dagger - Maple Dark Mate - Maple Skanda - Fan - Black Mamba - Brown Scarab - Blue Scarab - Dark Scarab - Green Scarab - Golden River - Kandine
Levels 71-80
Dusk Raven’s Claw - Angelic Betrayal - Dragon’s Tail
Levels 81-90
Dawn Raven’s Claw - Casters - Cursayer - Varkit
Levels 91-100
Red Craven - Blood Dagger - Gold Double Knife
Levels 100+
Dragon Purple Sleve - Dragon Green Sleve - Dragon Kanzir - Dragon Kreda - Reverse Lampion