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Revision as of 17:43, 13 September 2009 by Tajwall (talk | contribs) (Personal info)
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Meowthrkt is one of the characters owned by "Tajwall". He is not very crazy about dying, but he IS very crazy about aramia's fireworks, since he loves to kill bosses which he can actually deafeat. He saw a Jr. Barlog before, he can check and escape Crimson Barlogs, but cannot deafeat. His favorite hobby is to summon where lots of noobs go, without any high leveled people to destroy his summons. Any enemies? darknessboy9. darknessboy9 is just plain annoying, if you met him and summoned Master Robos and Robos where he was, he'd probably go BONKERS and swear a lot at you for no reason... Ametuer.