The Story of The Axe

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Revision as of 10:01, 16 August 2009 by AvamotoShinigami (talk | contribs) (Just a note on how I obtained the right axe in a short time.)
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  • Available to all
  • Level 45 and above

The Story Of Axes

Item(s) Needed: Tree Cutter's Steel Axe x 1


  1. Search for God of Mountains at Korean Folk Town : A Small Well and talk to him.
  2. Complete and repeat quest Judging The Axe until you obtain 1 Tree Cutter's Steel Axe.
  3. Once you are done, head over to Korean Folk Town : Tiger Forest II and talk to Tree Cutter.



  1. You are able to get the correct axe more than once. I dropped mine and repeated the quest untill I got another one, then picked the first one back up.
  2. If you are having trouble finding Dark Axe Stumps and Hodori gives you a hard time, you can gather many Axe (Drop) from somewhere else and collect at least one Axe (Drop) in the areas around Korean Folk Town to shorten the time of finding the right one. I am not sure if you have to get one of the drops near the town to allow the foreign drops to count. --AvamotoShinigami 10:01, 16 August 2009 (UTC)