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MTD Mondays - 4/20/09

Topic by: iamflip

Welcome ladies and gentlemen. It's me, iamflip. Here is your latest news on MTDynasty!

MTD Windia (Consurgo) ~ iamflip, Co-Leader of MTD Windia

   * Notice: An alert has been issued to all members and any other Windians concerning a mass scammer in Windia. Please click here for details.
   * I'm planning to organize a huge MT event coming up soon. Without donations though, this event might not happen, so don't delay!
   * Looking for 6 strong and dedicated people to form a GPQ group. Click here for more details!
   * We are now accepting donations that can be used for future events. If you want to ensure more events to come, donate any worthy equip or money today! All you have to do is send the donation via Duey and PM me as soon as possible for me to pick it up.

MTD Khaini ~ Moonlapse, Leader of MTD Khaini

   * If you reading this, and are not an active MT member but active in the guild, Please consider joining these forums. It allow us to better communicate with each other. (Maplestory's BBS system is really bad for posting)
   * Want to join in on the fun?apply here if you are interested in joining us!
   * I have final exams coming up, so I will not be able to get on that much. However, I will have some great things planned when I return! :3

MTD eMS Kradia (Axiom) ~ Sanotan, Leader of MTD eMS Kradia

   * The restriction on Sleepywood is still in effect until I am 100% certain the instant death hacker is gone
   * We still have some spaces before we must find the mesos to expand, apply today if you wish to join!
   * its come to my attention new members are not bothering to check mapletip at all. It is highy important, and almost manditory to do so to see the latest news for the guild. Members are encouraged to take part in the mapletip community, so dont be shy, join the forums and keep checking MTD mondays for the latest news of the guild.
   * Barney (Barnerd) unfortunatly left us for another guild, and today has found out his account has been the victim of what can only be a keylogger, if you see his character hacking, for his reputation do what is needed. He may no longer be a part of MTD, but as a mapletip guild, we can not let hackers get away with anything, to one of us or not.
   * I return to university this week, which means I'll be on a little less while getting final assignments put together. But I'll still be around as needed, so dont worry.
   * Returning to the fact that the trial vice-leader is now gone, Mayalynn is to become the next trial leader, so grats to her.

Other MTD News

   * Important: MTD is looking for new leaders to bring some of our branches back alive. Click here if you're interested!
   * Advisory: There's a few things that every MTD member should know. Click here for more details. It's a must read!
   * Advisory: The Weekend Policy is in effect at this time.

That's all folks. Make sure that you check us out here for the latest events and notices from us! Have a good day and a good week. ~ iamflip ~

P.S. Make sure you get everyone to read these posts often. This is one of the few things available to non-MT MTD members to get them aware of all MTD news.

April 20th, 2009