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My characters

ALL WINDIANS Cheifyoyo - 98 cb -quit Chuta0001 - 61 spearman -gave to friend (he got hacked) Chuta0002 - 79 Priest - quit for a while Chuta0003 - on the chuta0001 account - gave to friend Chuta0004 - 17 bowmen (noob) - quit Chuta0005 - 39 F/P - Gave to friend (on chuta0001 account) Chuta0006 - 31 Cleric - Gave to friend Chuta0007 - no chuta0007 yet............. Chuta0008 - 39 Cleric quit for a while ChutaDK - 35 spearman - gave to friend 0oChutao0 - 58 Sin (on chuta0004) BreezPriest - 59 Cleric (Banned for trying to sell nx in public haha)