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Revision as of 15:10, 30 January 2008 by Chickenkingdom (talk | contribs) (I have decided to add more information about why people fame/defame others.)
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If you are level 15 or above, you can award or decrease a certain person's fame once a day. People sometimes want to be famed and go so far to buy fame. There isn't a safe way to buy/sell fame so it relies on trust. Scammers usually say that they will sell fame and when you give them the money, they just run away.

People often defame others who kill-steal, or act annoying. If you are kill-stealing, and there is someone else who is level 15 or above, you ought to avoid being defamed. Ask politely if you could train with them, and change channels if they ask you to. If you are being kill-stolen, don't defame immediately, because it could get the other person angry enough to defame you back. Ask them politely to leave, before resorting to defaming them. One of the downsides to this is that any of the other parties can defame you back. What once happened to me was that a higher level was kill-stealing me against bubblings, and I politely asked him to stop, but he just defamed me. He ran, but I already had the screen on to defame him back. In the end, an alternative could just be to change channels to not offend others.

As for giving others fame, it is an option for low levels to sell fame for money. As stated before, it relies on trust. Another thing that can be done is just to raise somebody's fame in kindness, which could make the person doing so appear benevolent. Try to trade fame with someone you can trust. If you be polite to somebody, and raise their fame, you could manage to persuade someone else to raise your fame as well.