Beginners Warrior Guide

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Warrior Job Tree.jpg


Hey, I have been reading tons of guides recently, and since i got my warrior to level 30, i thought i might make myself a guide for you, And here it is.I play Europe MapleStory, and my main character is Nixes. I do occasionally go on my mage, or thief, but they're under level 20, so i don't normally (look them up on my user page). Feel free to give me a whisper in-game, also, if you read this whisper me in game, I will be happy to speak with you, and we can be friends. You may be thinking, but your such a low level, your a noob I'm not reading this, but although i may be a low level, i spend a lot of my time on MapleStory, and i know an awful lot about warriors, and mages.


Okay, if you haven't yet made a character before, then you will have to go you and select the MapleStory sever of your choice. Please remember that your username and password are vital. Once you have made your account, if you haven't already, download the game. Once the game has downloaded, you click the setup file, the file will do its job, and fully install MapleStory onto your computer. Open the game, and enter in your newly created username and password. Once your in, you will be asked to set a pin, i suggest that you don't use something easy to guess, like birthdays, but instead choose something, that you will remember, is not to hard to remember, and is harder to guess. Log in again and a new menu we appear. please remember that this menu only appears once. it asks what gender you want to make your characters. please choose the correct gender because alternate genders are odd, and a little unsettling. Once your have chosen your characters gender, congratulations, your ready to play MapleStory. The first screen you will come to, will be the world selection screen, choose your world,(MapleEurope, only has one, although this will change.) and then give yourself a pat on the back for getting as far as you have, although we've not even started yet. Please note, once your character has been created on one of the world, you cannot change worlds with that same character, you must create a new character.Once you have selected your world, choose your channel, you can change this anytime, with just a few clicks. In the top right corner, you will see 3 boards: Create Character, Select Character, and Delete Character. You will want to click Create Character, and then you will see a new screen appear.

Creating Your Character

At the new screen that has appeared, you will see a few options, you can change your avatars appearance, select the name, and you can roll the dice to get your important stats. First of all, change the gender to your gender, and make your character look how you want it to look. The only issue i have, is when you create your character, you will get 3 default weapons you can select, and i advise you to choose the club. It has been proved to be the strongest, and it the best for all jobs. Once you have selected your characters look and weapon, choose your name. Please make it original, and with nothing in like xXxbillybob1923xXx or 109838, as these just are annoying, and nooby. Once you have created your name, check its availability, and if its not available, then choose a new one, and if it is available, great. DON'T CLICK OK YET!

Rolling the dice

Rolling the dice, is the most important part, of creating your character. It may take a while to get your stats exactly how you want them, but patience is a virtue.

Your ideal stats, would be

STR:X(Get to level 35 before level 10, and must be higher than DEX for standard build)
DEX:X(should be 2x your level)
INT:4/5(never touch)
LUK:4/5(never touch)

The stats that i have given you, are a basic idea of what you should roll the dice to be. The stats you give yourself, make sure whether it is possible or not for you to become a warrior.

Maple Island

If you have already made another character past the first job advancement, and know how to do all the basics already, then skip the tutorial you get offered once you have made your character. however if you have not played before, use the tutorial offered in-game to learn the basics. Once you are onto the proper Maple Island, you will find green snails, and blue snails. However, throughout Maple Island, you will find other things such as shrooms, and red snails.

Leveling to level 10

You will start at level one, be sure to take any quests you find along your way and do them, then train to the appropriate levels.

1-3: Green Snails
3-10: Blue Snails
5-10: Red snails
7-10: Orange Mushrooms
7-10: Slimes(if you choose to leave maple island

That, will get you to level 10 ready for the first job advancement in about 1 hour 20 minutes - 2 hours depending on how fast you train, and whether or not your enjoying it. If you find yourself not enjoying the game, please hang on and give it a chance. although leveling may be slow, the game itself becomes better.

Second job advancement

Once you have reached level 10, come off of Maple Island, and speak to the person that asks you if you want to go to Victoria Island(Or something like that, it's been a while since I've done this). Once out of Maple Island, you will arrive on a boat, jump off the boat,