Henesys Potion Shop

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Revision as of 03:04, 4 May 2007 by Scriptea (talk | contribs)
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Pic. Item Cost Pic. Item Cost
UP1.gif Red Potion 50 mesos Meat.GIF Meat 106 mesos
UP3.gif Orange Potion 160 mesos Orange.GIF Orange 100 mesos
UP4.gif White Potion 320 mesos Lemon.gif Lemon 310 mesos
UP2.gif Blue Potion 200 mesos Bow.JPG Arrow for Bow 1 meso
UP5.gif Mana Elixir 620 mesos Crossbow.JPG Arrow for Crossbow 1 meso
Dexpotion.PNG Dexterity Potion 500 mesos Return Scroll - Nearest Town.gif Return Scroll - Nearest Town 400 mesos
Speedpotion.PNG Speed Potion 400 mesos HenesysReturnScroll.gif Return Scroll to Henesys 500 mesos
Magicpotion.PNG Magic Potion 500 mesos Antidote.gif Antidote 200 mesos
Warriorpotion.PNG Warrior Potion 500 mesos Eyedrop.gif Eyedrop 200 mesos
Sniperpotion.PNG Sniper Potion 500 mesos Tonic.gif Tonic 150 mesos
Apple.GIF Apple 30 mesos Pizza.gif Pizza 500 mesos
Egg.GIF Egg 50 mesos Subi.JPG Subi Throwing-Stars 500 mesos