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Revision as of 10:53, 7 July 2007 by Suteiiban (talk | contribs)
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Note: Both Global and Korean MapleStory have a world named Broa. This article is about the Global Broa and should not be confused with the Korean Broa.

Broa is the third world to have been implemented to MapleStory Global. At the current time, it is considered the one best servers for new players to join, along with Windia, as it has both a stable economy and a well-rounded population that isn't too large. Most people never have problems getting on this world, even during peak times.

Economy in Broa is very stable, and most items sell for an average, if not cheaper price than other servers. It suffers no major problems aside from the run in of being kill-stealed by a foreigner which doesn't understand English. Broa isn't a very high ranked server in terms of player levels (Scania being the best) but most Broans aren't really bothered by this fact, and consider it good enough that they've been able to play for several years without server congestion.