Template:Third Job Thunder Breaker Skills

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Revision as of 19:54, 19 November 2012 by Cofeetup (talk | contribs)
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Icon Skill Name Description Type Mastered Prerequisites
Octopunch.png Octopunch Throws a barrage of punches with super human power. Active 30 x -
Buccaneer Blast.png Buccaneer Blast Unleashes a powerful energy blast. Can only be used when energy is fully charged. Allows you to charge additional energy as passive effect. Active 30 x -
Wind Booster.png Speed Infusion By using HP and MP, the attack speed of a weapon is increased. It can be used along with the normal boosters, and the entire party is affected. Supportive 20 Lv. 20 Knuckle Booster
Shark Wave.png Shark Wave Damage multiple enemies in front. [600 range] Active 30 -
Spark.png Spark Adds extra attack with the Lightning Sprite's power. Enemies near the enemy attacked take damage simultaneously. Supportive 10 -
Opportunistic Fighter Passive 20 -
Precision Strikes.png Precision Strikes Increases Critical Rate and critical damage. Additional Critical Rate against bosses. Passive 20 -
Landlubber Blast.png Landlubber Blast Pounds the ground to create a shockwave that damages multiple enemies. Active 20 -
Roll of the Dice.png Roll of the Dice Test your luck! Roll a dice to get a random Buff. Roll a 1 and you get nothing. Supportive 1 -