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Teleport (Magician, Blaze Wizard/Flame Wizard, Evan)

Icon Name Prerequisite Max Level Skill Type Job Element
Teleport.gif Teleport - 20 Supportive 2nd Job Magician -
Allows you to teleport a set distance to other locations on the same map using the arrow keys.
Notes There is a technique to use with Teleport and an active skill, known as telecasting. It consists on teleporting in between the time when you press the key to attack and the monster is struck (the damage has already registered by the time the animation begins, with most attacks). The target of the launched attack does not change.
This will not work with Heal.
Skill Level MP Cost Teleport Range

1 -50 130
2 -48 132
3 -46 132
4 -44 134
5 -42 134
6 -40 136
7 -38 136
8 -36 138
9 -34 138
10 -32 140
11 -30 140
12 -28 142
13 -26 142
14 -24 144
15 -22 144
16 -20 146
17 -18 146
18 -16 148
19 -14 148
20 -12 150

Teleport (Battle Mage)

Icon Name Prerequisite Max Level Skill Type Job Element
Teleport.gif Teleport - 15 Supportive 1st Job Battle Mage -
Allows you to teleport a set distance to other locations on the same map using the arrow keys.
Notes There is a technique to use with Teleport and an active skill, known as telecasting. It consists on teleporting in between the time when you press the key to attack and the monster is struck (the damage has already registered by the time the animation begins, with most attacks). The target of the launched attack does not change.
This will not work with Heal.
Skill Level MP Cost Teleport Range

1 -48 136
2 -46 138
3 -44 138
4 -42 140
5 -40 140
6 -38 142
7 -36 142
8 -34 144
9 -32 144
10 -30 146
11 -28 146
12 -26 148
13 -24 148
14 -22 150
15 -20 150