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= Off To A Start =
= Off To A Start =

You are now free to do what you wish, but this guide will lead you through and give you tips on where to train and how to use your skills.
=== Magician Skills ===
You gain 3 SP every time you level up. These can be used to strengthen your Magician. Here is a list of all the skills and their pictures:
===== [[Image:SPIncrease.jpg|Improving Max MP Increase]]  [[Improving MP Recovery]] =====
Description: The higher the level of this skill is, the more MP you will recover every 10 seconds. [MAX: 16]
Importance: Unlike [[Warrior|warriors]], Mages need to max their recovery skill. This helps balance out MP usage when fighting. MP Recovery is also affected by Level and INT.
Max it?: Yes. This skill is very useful.
===== [[Image:SPRecovery.jpg|Improving MP Recovery]] [[Improving Max MP Increase]] =====
Description: The higher the level of this skill is, the more MP you will get every level. When this skill is maxed, every time you level, you will gain 50% more MP than you would usually do. [MAX: 10]
Importance: This is very important. Mages need as much MP as possible.
Max it?: Immediately. MP is what Magicians live on, and the more you have the better you are.
===== [[Image:SPGuard.jpg|Magic Guard]] [[Magic Guard]] =====
Description: Channel some damage taken to your MP. When maxed, this channels 80% of damage taken to MP for 10 minutes. [MAX: 20]
Importance: At high levels, some monsters will do more damage than you have HP. This helps to make sure you won't die in one hit.
Max it?: Yes. Many people max this last, because other skills are more important at lower levels. In future levels this skill comes VERY handy.
Warning: Do not use on things that take off less than 40% of your hp or you will waste mp and, therefore, mesos.
===== [[Image:SPArmor.jpg|Magic Armor]] [[Magic Armor]] =====
Description: Blow magic into your armor to improve your defence. Unmaxable without messing up your skills. (takes some magic guard to open it up) Once maxed, you will get an extra 40 defence for 3 minutes. [MAX: 20]
Importance: This is decent at low level monsters, but when you fight stronger monsters, 40 defence is nothing.
Max it?: No. As you grow stronger, the significance of this skill will decrease. Don't waste your SP on it.
===== [[Image:SPBolt.jpg|Energy Bolt]] [[Energy Bolt]] =====
Description: Shoot a ball of magic at an enemy. When maxed, it does 70 base damage and uses 14 MP. [MAX: 20]
Importance: Just add one point to energy bolt to activate magic claw. This is unstable and does not go through obstacles.
Max it?: No. Just give it one point to activate Magic Claw, which is miles better.
===== [[Image:SPClaw.jpg|Magic Claw]] [[Magic Claw]] =====
Description: Attack twice with magic. When maxed, this does 40 base damage ''twice'' and uses 20 MP. [MAX: 20]
Importance: This is much, much better than bolt, since it goes through obstacles. It is more stable, but has less of a chance of doing higher damage than bolt at first.
Max it?: Yes. This is the attack you will be using most at low levels.
=== Skill Distribution Chart ===
Here is a chart to help you decide where to put skill points:
'''First-Timer Build, or Meso-Saving Build'''
This build aims to max out recovery before adding points to Magic Claw. Magic claw uses up a lot of your MP at lower levels, and so with this build you will not need to spend as much money on potions.
Level 8: 1 Bolt<br>
Level 9: 3 Recovery<br>
Level 10: 2 Recovery, 1 Increase<br>
Level 11: 3 Increase<br>
Level 12: 3 Increase<br>
Level 13: 3 Increase (Maxed!)<br>
Level 14: 3 Recovery<br>
Level 15: 3 Recovery<br>
Level 16: 3 Recovery<br>
Level 17: 2 Recovery (Maxed!), 1 Claw<br>
Level 18: 3 Claw<br>
Level 19: 3 Claw<br>
Level 20: 3 Claw<br>
Level 21: 3 Claw<br>
Level 22: 3 Claw<br>
Level 23: 3 Claw<br>
Level 24: 1 Claw(Maxed!), 2 Guard<br>
Level 25: 3 Guard<br>
Level 26: 3 Guard<br>
Level 27: 3 Guard<br>
Level 28: 3 Guard<br>
Level 29: 3 Guard<br>
Level 30: 3 Guard (Maxed!)
'''Power-Levelling Build'''
The opposite of the above, this build is aimed for those who are willing to spend money on potions. People following this build will level faster.
Level 8: 1 Bolt<br>
Level 9: 3 Recovery<br>
Level 10: 2 Recovery, 1 Increase<br>
Level 11: 3 Increase<br>
Level 12: 3 Increase<br>
Level 13: 3 Increase (Maxed!)<br>
Level 14: 3 Claw<br>
Level 15: 3 Claw<br>
Level 16: 3 Claw<br>
Level 17: 3 Claw<br>
Level 18: 3 Claw<br>
Level 19: 3 Claw<br>
Level 20: 2 Claw (Maxed!), 1 Recovery<br>
Level 21: 3 Recovery<br>
Level 22: 3 Recovery<br>
Level 23: 3 Recovery<br>
Level 24: 1 Recovery(Maxed!), 2 Guard<br>
Level 25: 3 Guard<br>
Level 26: 3 Guard<br>
Level 27: 3 Guard<br>
Level 28: 3 Guard<br>
Level 29: 3 Guard<br>
Level 30: 3 Guard (Maxed!)
'''Hell Build'''
This build will get you the strongest possible mage. However, up until level 17 you will still be stuck hitting snails. Only try this is you have a '''lot''' of patience, hence the name "hell".
8: 1 Recovery<br>
9: 3 Recovery<br>
10: 1 Recovery 2 Increase<br>
11: 3 Increase<br>
12: 3 Increase<br>
13: 2 Increase (Maxed!) 1 Recovery<br>
14: 3 Recovery<br>
15: 3 Recovery<br>
16: 3 Recovery<br>
17: 1 Recovery (Maxed!) 1 Bolt 1 Claw<br>
18: 3 Claw<br>
19: 3 Claw<br>
20: 3 Claw<br>
21: 3 Save<br>
22: 3 Save<br>
23: 9 Claw<br>
24: 1 Claw (Maxed!) 2 Guard<br>
25: 3 Guard<br>
26: 3 Guard<br>
27: 3 Guard<br>
28: 3 Guard<br>
29: 3 Guard<br>
30: 3 Guard (Maxed!)<br>
=== Training ===
Training is one of the few ways to gain Experience (EXP) other than [[Kerning City Party Quest|PQing]] and doing [[Quests]]. There are two ways of training:
==== Normal Leveling ====
This type of training is very effective for Magicians, since they recover MP very quickly. To level this way, buy very few potions and only use them when you are about to die. When you run out of MP, stand in a safe spot and *do something else while your MP recovers*. This method is slower than Power Leveling, but saves mesos.
*I personally read forums, listen to music, and read during this time. If this is not your thing, training could be a lot more boring.*
==== Power Leveling ====
This type of training is very expensive, usually costing more than you earn from the monsters you hunt. Basically, what you do is buy around 50-100 MP potions and 25-50 HP potions. Fight the monsters you are training on, without resting for too long to regain MP. Everytime you see your mp is going down a lot, use a few of the MP potions you have. Even with this method, you should rest every once in a while.
===== Potion Use =====
As you level up, you will need potions powerful enough to recover most of your MP or HP. Put your mouse over the image of the potion to see how much MP and HP you gain when you use it.
=== Training Spots ===
As a magician you can train in many different places. Here are some recommendations from my experience
'''Level 1-7'''
Monsters: Blue [[Image:MBS.jpg|Blue Snail]] and Green [[Image:MGS.jpg|Green Snail]] Snails
Description: At this point you may be tempted to add points into STR. DON'T!!! You'll be sorry in 20 levels when you barely do any damage.
Location: The best place to hunt snails in Maple Island are the Snail Hunting Grounds. It is advisable to stay there until level 8.
'''Level 8-14'''
Monsters: Snails, Slimes
Description: Around these levels, [[Ribbon Pig|Ribbon Pigs]] and [[Iron Hog|Iron Hogs]] at [[Pig Beach]] can kill you very quickly. Avoid training there. If you find a good orange mushroom spawn, train at those when you begin to kill them easily.
Location: Henesys Hunting Ground I, the Tree that Grew I
'''Level 15-21'''
Monsters: Pigs [[Image:MPG.jpg|Pig]], Ribbon Pigs [[Image:RPG.jpg|Ribbon Pig]]
Description: Train at [[Pig Beach]]. Go to the Split Road between [[Kerning City]], [[Henesys]], and [[Lith Harbor]]. Find a field of yellow flowers near the middle and press up. As said before, you might have trouble with potions at Pig Beach. Train by killing Orange Mushrooms if you have trouble. If you are dying in Pig Beach and don't feel like climbing to the portal, just enter and exit the [[Cash Shop]] to be teleported to the entrance. Another slower possibility is to train on [[Axe Stumps]], but you might not want to until a little later (18) as they have high HP.
Location: Pig Beach
'''Level 21-30'''
Monsters: [[Kerning City Party Quest]], [[Image:GRN.jpg|Green Mushroom]] and [[Image:HRN.jpg|Horned Mushroom]].
Description: At level 21, you can now do your first PQ. PQs are a special kind of quest that require a party and can be done over and over again until you reach level 30. If you are feeling a bit uncomfortable, go train on the mushrooms for a while, and return when you are around level 24.
Locations: Go to Kerning City for the party quest. Go 3 screens left from the portal at the bottom of [[Ellinia]] and go to the tree dungeon directly below the portal for the mushrooms.
No matter what anyone tells you, DO NOT TRAIN ON [[WILD BOARS]]! These are never the best training available for mages. First of all, they do tons of damage. Second, at these levels you will only do 2-3 damage on them. That's as much as [[zombie mushrooms]], which do less damage. At levels 32-40 you should mass attack zombies if you are a cleric, for more EXP than [[wild boars]]. Wizards should be at their respective monsters in the [[Gardens of Three Colours]].
'''You can now make the second job advancement. The below training spots are for second job characters.'''
'''Level 30-35'''
[[Horny Mushrooms]] and [[Zombie Mushroom|Zombie Mushrooms]]. These are best found a couple of screens to the right of Sleepywood. You can also try [[Evil Eye|Evil Eyes]] if you 2 hit them, since they give better EXP. Bring lots of pots. 
'''Level 35-40'''
Fire Wizard - Once your Fire Arrow is level 15, [[Jr. Grupin|Jr. Grupins]] are very good for EXP, mesos, and drops. These are fire mage heaven, but lately Assassins and Bandits have been taking over. Alternatives are [[Ratz|ratz]], [[Brown Teddy|brown teddies]], or [[Pink Teddy|pink teddies]] in [[Ludibrium]].
Ice Wizard - Once your Ice Strike is around level 20, you can try [[Jr. Cellion|Jr. Cellions]] or [[Jr. Lioner|Jr. Lioners]]. You can also go to [[Fire Boar|fire boars]] for good mesos, but I do not recommend them unless you can always one hit kill them.
Cleric - Wild Boars or anything in the Gardens of Three Colours in Orbis. Clerics can also continue with Zombie Mushrooms and Horny Mushrooms.
Lightning Wizard - Once your lightning can do ~300 damage, you might want to try out [[Evil Eye|evil eyes]] because of their great mob spawn. You can also try teddies or [[Ratz|ratz]] in [[Ludibrium]], who also mob spawn.
'''Level 40-50'''
Fire Wizard - At level 40-43, stay at [[Jr. Grupin|Jr. Grupins]], go to [[Jr. Wraith|Jr. Wraiths]] in Subway B2, or try out different monsters you can one hit kill in [[Ludibrium]]. [[Tick|Ticks]] are a nice [[Jr. Grupin]] alternative, once you can always one hit kill them because of their decent spawn and 65 EXP. Try [[Jr. Yetis]] when you can 2-3 hit kill for the 130 EXP.
Ice Wizard - Keep to what you trained during levels 35-40, and maybe experiment with [[Chronos|chronos]] once you can one hit kill them.
Cleric - Now that your Heal can do decent damage, you should be training at [[Jr. Wraith|Jr. Wraiths]]. Once you can always hit [[Zombie Lupin|Zombie Lupins]], try the Zombie Lupin Tree or try any of the two weaker varieties of [[Chronos|chronos]] in [[Ludibrium]]. At around 40-44 [[Zombie Lupin|zombie lupins]] will waste MP. You might want to complete the B2 Kerning City Jump Quest to get a really nice [[Jr. Wraith]] Spawn.
Lightning Wizard - Now you have reached the golden levels of Lightning Wizards. With Meditation, you will see that you can gain very fast EXP at [[Lorang|Lorangs]] and cover potion costs with lots of drops. Try going to Lorang Lorang Lorang.
'''Level 50-60'''
Fire Wizard - At the earlier levels, train at [[Jr. Yeti|Jr. Yetis]], then around 55, give or take, you can go on to [[Grupin|grupins]]. Avoid their magic attack. They are good once you can two hit kill them, so synthesizing a [[Thorns]] in [[Ludibrium]] with a stimulator is recommended.
[[Grupin|Grupins]] have very high MP, therefore maxed MP Eater is recommended.
Ice Wizard - You should try [[Red Drake|red drakes]] if you feel you can handle their magic attack and have maxed Meditation. You will be here for quite a while, so try to mix training here with monsters in [[Ludibrium]] so you won't get bored easily.
Cleric - [[Coolie Zombie|Coolie zombies]] all the way! If you are having kill-stealing (KSing) trouble at zombies, try [[Wraiths]] though it may be packed with other clerics and sometimes hackers. [[Master Chronos]] are good too.
Lightning Wizard - You still can't fight [[Spirit Viking|vikings]] or [[Buffoon|buffons]] with lightning, so you might want to try Hot Sands for [[Umti|umtis]], [[Clang|clangs]], and [[Lorang|lorangs]].
'''Level 60-70'''
Fire Wizard - Fight [[Grupin]], [[Jr. Yeti|Jr. Yetis]], [[Yeti|Yetis]], [[Pepe|Pepes]], and basically anything fire can kill in 2-3 hits.
Ice Wizard - [[Red Drake|Red Drakes]] or try partying at [[Taurospear|taurospears]].
Cleric - Coolie Zombies. This is when you really start training on them. But since Zombies are packed with other characters, you can just try [[Soul Teddies]], later [[Master Soul Teddies]], [[Klocks]], [[Klocks]]], and [[Dark Klocks]]
Lightning Wizard - Hot Sands. This map is full of [[Umti|Umtis]], [[Clang|Clangs]], and [[Lorang|Lorangs]].
'''Level 70-80'''
If you are at these Levels, I doubt you need help knowing where to train.  But... well, it's pretty much the same as before...
Fire Mage - Try Death Teddies.  You could probably also stick to wherever you trained before.
Ice Mage - Red Drakes are probably still good.  At around level 75, you may want to go to Death Teddies when your Ice Strike is stronger.
Priest - You probably wanna stick to Coolies, but you can also party with a higher leveled warrior and go deep into Ludi.
Lightning Mage - Stick to Hot Sands for a little bit, then you can just go wherever you want.
'''Level 80-100'''
Train on Taurospears or Tauromacis to get decent EXP, I also recommend training at Dangerous Gorge too during higher levels. But don't go too deep in or you'll have trouble handling the mobs there! Zakum is good too but find a good team of 6 people in party and complete the Zakum Dungeon Quest to get to Zakum, but be warned, this battle might take around 3 hours plus, therefore bring lots of pots and maybe food and things in real life to keep you 'company' during this long and aurdous battle!
Here you will find answers to all your mage questions. Please read this before you spam Evade's Magician question topic:<br>
(Coming soon to a wiki near you)
Thank you for reading my guide. I hope it was helpful for you. Again, thanks for reading!
==See Also==
* [[Luckless magician guide]]
* [[Wizard (Ice/Lightning)]]
* [[Wizard (Fire/Poison)]]
* [[Cleric]]
===== Disclaimer =====
--[[User:Danelkayam|Danelkayam]] 20:06, 23 December 2005 (CET)
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If you plagiarize the guide, I am removing the whole thing.
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[[Category:Classes in General]]

Revision as of 20:05, 7 February 2007

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Hello, and welcome to MapleWiki's guide for Magicians. This is where you will find what is needed to start off playing as a Magician, as well as tips on training and for building a top-class Magician. We hope you will find what you are looking for.

Why Choose a Magician?

Magicians are a versatile class with many pros and cons:


1. Very high damage at lower levels.

2. Very high MP.

3. Ranged attacks, some of which can go through walls

4. Many support skills for Clerics.

5. Decent accuracy.

6. Equipment costs less.

7. May use MP to replace HP.

8. can jump cast and tele cast with practise.


1. Training may be tedious if you are a pure mage.

2. Very low HP.

3. Weak weapon defence.

4. MP Potions cost you a lot of money. (Eg: 100 Blue Potions cost 20k mesos)


Becoming a Magician


Off To A Start