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== MapleWiki Spelers ==
These are players who have a MapleWiki account as well as a MapleStory account.
Dit zijn spelers die een MapleWiki rekening evenals een MapleStory account.
Om uw eigen karakter naam toe te voegen aan de lijst, typt <code> <nowiki> ~~~</ nowiki> </ code> (drie tilde) en het automatisch creëren van een link naar uw MapleWiki gebruikerspagina.

To add your own character name to the list, just type <code><nowiki>~~~</nowiki></code> (three tilde) and it will automatically create a link to your MapleWiki userpage.

== GMS / MapleGlobal ==
== GMS / MapleGlobal ==
==== ==== Bellocan
==== Bellocan ====
* [[User: Maplearcher22 | Maplearcher22]] - Bellocan rules! (de maker van het niveau 45 wizard, magicbeast22 <br>
*[[User:Maplearcher22|Maplearcher22]] - Bellocan rules! (the creator of the level 45 wizard, magicbeast22 <br>
* [[User: Dantelia | Dantelia]] - Dantelia. Bellocan: D
*[[User:Dantelia|Dantelia]] - Dantelia. Bellocan :D
* [[User: Charlliepacegw | Charlliepacegw]] - <3 Bello <3 (IGN is BurnMageGuy. Job - Fire / Poison Arch Mage)
*[[User:Charlliepacegw|Charlliepacegw]] - <3 Bello <3 ( IGN is BurnMageGuy. Job - Fire/Poison Arch Mage )
*[[User:MagicMaster87|MagicMaster87]] - I'm Mhoram10, level 40 Bandit.
Bera ==== ====
*[[User:Cronolexus|cronolexus]] - Low level bowman.
* [[User: GingerBread4 | GingerBread4]] - Bera is gewoon geweldig.
*[[User:Bumblabumbadit|Buymymercy]]-post Unleashed Shadower, decently funded. 14x ATM
* [[User: Dragon237 | Dragon237]] - Bera, die is awesome!
* [[User: coolquinlan | coolquinlan]] - Go Bera!
* [[User: Mapledude132 | Mapledude132]] - sasuke1327 (Bera)
* [[User: Conrad | Conrad]] - Bera Rocks naam (hoofdpersoon is ThiefMak)
* [[User: De CrazyBunnyGirl | De CrazyBunnyGirl]] - Bunnycicie in Bera
* [[User: Mithras | Mithras]] - justintime5, geestelijke op Bera
==== ==== Broa
* [[User: Anyuan753 | Anyuan753]] - Mijn karakter is anyuan753 in broa. Broa FTW! Ik ben ook te werven voor mijn gilde 46 +. (Ik zou kunnen geven een uitzondering)
* [[User: Koj | Koj]] - Mijn karakter is AerHawk. Hij is in broa. Hunters ftw.
* [[User: Drakwood | <b> <font color="darkorange"> Drakwood]] </ font> <sup> [[User talk: Drakwood | <font color="darkcyan"> praten </ font>]] </ sup> </ b> - Mijn personages zijn KlawBro en Fisticufz. Broa, broa, broa!! <3 DragonFangz (Mah Guild!) [[User: Drakwood / Personages | hier]] is meer informatie over mijn personages!
* [[User: Tigron95 | Tigron95]] - broa! YAY!
* [[User: Ravagesage | Ravagesage]] - broa ftw lolz
* [[User: Rehobbed | Rehobbed]] - broa pwns alles! Boogschutters ftw
* [[User: Toadus | Toadus]] - broa FTW!
* [[User: BroaForLife | BroaForLife]] - broa FTW !!!!!
* [[User: WallE54 | WallE54]] - WallE54 broa
* [[User: zoidee | zoidee]] - broa REGELS LVL 46 Cleric bereid om te helpen voor een vergoeding (kleine vergoeding)
* [[User: Jojomuffin | Jojomuffin]] - Character-BROAN AND PROUD
* [[User: Markus102 | Markus102]] - Ik wil gewoon iedereen die speelt MS helpen!
* [[User: Zaggy | Zaggy]] - Nieuw bij MS - Character-KnigtZAG Hello to all!

==== ==== Demethos
==== Bera ====
* [[User: Maplearcher22 | Maplearcher22]] - maplearcher22, de maker van vele gidsen, is terug, nieuw en verbeterd!
*[[User:GingerBread4|GingerBread4]] - Bera is just great.
* [[User: JesusRidesAUnicorn | JesusRidesAUnicorn]] - Heb je een paar personages hier ook, maar ik niet Demethos speel zo vaak.
*[[User:Nichrome|Nichrome]] - BERRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAA!!
*[[User:Dragon237|Dragon237]] - Bera, which is awesome!
*[[User:coolquinlan|coolquinlan]] - Go Bera!
*[[User:Mapledude132|Mapledude132]] - sasuke1327 (Bera)
*[[User:Conrad|Conrad]] - Bera Rocks (main character's name is ThiefMak)
*[[User:The CrazyBunnyGirl|The CrazyBunnyGirl]] - Bunnycicie in Bera
*[[User:Mithras|Mithras]] - justintime5, cleric on Bera

==== ==== Khaini
==== Broa ====
* [[User: Aleczorich | Aleczorich]] - BrovvnDuck op Khaini, Ducky!
*[[User:Anyuan753|Anyuan753]] - My character is anyuan753 in Broa. BROA FTW! I'm also recruiting for my guild 46+. (I might give an exception)
* [[User: Supagician | Supagician]] - Khaini Forever ~
*[[User:Koj|Koj]] - My character is AerHawk. He's in Broa. Hunters ftw.
* [[User: Dominican2456 | Dominican2456]] - KHAINI IS THE BEST!! CiericCiavv Level 75 Priest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*[[User:Drakwood|Drakwood]] <sup>[[User talk:Drakwood|<font color="darkcyan">talk</font>]]</sup> - My characters are KlawBro and Fisticufz. BROA, BROA, BROA!!!! <3 DragonFangz (Mah Guild!)
* [[User: FruitRecruit | FruitRecruit]] - Khaini, GMS! ... Onfortuinlijke ftw!?
*[[User:Drakwood/Characters|Here]] is more information on my characters!
* [[User: Ttang | Ttang]] - Khaini is cool. xD GO HP Warriors!
*[[User:Tigron95|Tigron95]] - Broa!!!YAY!!!
* [[User: kreiti123 | kreiti123]] - Character -> kreiti123 - Server -> GMS
*[[User:Ravagesage|Ravagesage]] - Broa ftw lolz
* [[User: NsaneBrawler | NsaneBrawler]] - KidUNeed2Kno op KHAINI, GO KOC'S !!!!!
*[[User:Rehobbed|Rehobbed]] - Broa pwns everything else!!! Bowmen ftw
*[[User:Toadus|Toadus]] - Broa FTW!
*[[User:BroaForLife|BroaForLife]] - Broa FTW!!!!!
*[[User:WallE54|WallE54]] - WallE54 Broa
*[[User:Jojomuffin|Jojomuffin]] - Character -BROAN AND PROUD
*[[User:Markus102|Markus102]] - I just want to help everyone who plays MS!
*[[User:Zaggy|Zaggy]] - New to MS - Character-KnigtZAG Hello To ALL!
*[[User:Rashasi|Rashasi]] - Broa rocks your socks off!!! Chars-Rayonann (30 FP Mage) Rashasi (25 Swordman) Necovex (19 Aran)

==== ==== Kradia
==== Demethos ====
* [[User: Nightsluv | Nightsluv]] - Kradia FTW xD buddy beastieredd wanneer u eens = D
*[[User:Maplearcher22|Maplearcher22]] - maplearcher22, the creator of many guides, is back, new, and improved!
* [[User: KageXKage | KageXKage]] - Mijn tekens namen zijn ZomgDeadman in Kradia en ShikakuXXX in Scania
*[[User:JesusRidesAUnicorn|JesusRidesAUnicorn]] - Got a couple characters here as well, but I don't play Demethos as often.
* [[User: Nuraska | Nuraska]] - Kradia, nuraska, vertel me als je wilt gilde join (lvl 20 +)
*[[User:CrimsonDream|CrimsonDream]] - I play quite a bit in Demethos. :) Level 46 Fighter(Trinity282)  and level 37 Wind Archer (MorningLite). I love to help quest and will help with anything I can.
* [[User: Phoenixclaws | Phoenixclaws]] - JesterBach en PhoenixBach op Kradia
*[[User:Dibbi|Dibbi]] - I play all of my Maplestory on Demethos, my main character is a level 75 Priest (Dibbi).
* [[User: Xiberiala | Xiberiala]] - Kradia FTW
*[[User:Waddle D33|Waddle D33]] - Yay for Demethos: the world with the third lowest population! :D (It's very lonely over here, but at least there's never any overcrowding.)
* [[User: chickquita | chickquita]] - Character - Kradia rotsen ur sokken

Campus Ardiensis ==== ====
==== Galicia ====  
* [[User: Torder | Torder]] - [[Campus Ardiensis]] - m1tvo, [[ibtvo]], imtvo, m1tvoFTW, ibtvoFTW
*[[User:F3arlessx|F3arlessx]] - Blah, only Galician xP Galicia still rocks though!
* [[User: GooglieNinja | GooglieNinja]] - GooglieNinja (Campus Ardiensis)
*[[User:HiImAPerson|Sam*****yay]] - Galician pride! Creator of a Dual Blade named DualNeko25.
* [[User: Selerik | Selerik]] - DrMcPirate (Campus Ardiensis)
* [[User: Laststandb | Laststandb]] - Campus Ardiensis! Waarom geen lichaam te LPQ????
* [[User: yao12310 | yao12310]] - Campus Ardiensis Campus Ardiensis Campus Ardiensis Campus Ardiensis (broa goed ook) FTW !!!!!!!!! WOOT! gemanmf4 geestelijke niveau 49!
* [[User: Cutieannie1004 | Cutieannie1004]] - Maplestory rox! ^ 0 ^

Scania ==== ====
==== Khaini ====
* [[User: KageXKage | KageXKage]] - Mijn tekens namen zijn ZomgDeadman in Kradia en ShikakuXXX in Scania
*[[User:Aleczorich|Aleczorich]] - BrovvnDuck on Khaini, Ducky!
* [[Matthewd0123 | Matthewd0123]] - Scania Groot is! Kermyhermit is de beste! Kermit de kikker een kluizenaar!
*[[User:Supagician|Supagician]] - Khaini Forever~
* [[User: TwilightK3y | TwilightK3y]] - Scania ... te xD druk <br>
*[[User:Dominican2456|Dominican2456]] - KHAINI IS THE BEST!!!! CiericCiavv Level 75 Priest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* [[User: Dante4246 | Dante4246]] - Scania ... Een drukke beetje ...
*[[User:FruitRecruit|FruitRecruit]] - Khaini, GMS!...luckless ftw?!
* [[User: KeroGero | KeroGero]] - Kikkertjes (Scania)
*[[User:Ttang|Ttang]] - Khaini is cool. xD GO HP Warriors!!!
* [[User: kennytran4 | kennytran4]] - Scania ... m4g3pr02423
*[[User:kreiti123|kreiti123]] - Character -> kreiti123 - Server -> GMS
* [[User: TheGamePhreak | TheGamePhreak]] - Kaask in Scania, GMS.
*[[User:NsaneBrawler|NsaneBrawler]] - KidUNeed2Kno on KHAINI, GO KOC'S!!!!!
* [[User: Iamachiar | Iamachiar]] - argh naam screwed up, Scania, lvl 71 Hermit
*[[user:windIstheway|windIstheway]] - khaini is best its perfect not to crowded and and not to lonley
* [[User: Magician3545 | Magician3545]] - Scania FTW!
* [[User: Papulatus | Papulatus]] - AFireWizard add me please, I'm in Scania
* [[User: DarkRiddle13 | DarkRiddle13]]

==== ==== Tespia
==== Kradia ====
* Momenteel geen
*[[User:Nightsluv|Nightsluv]] - Kradia FTW xD buddy beastieredd if u agree =D
*[[User:KageXKage|KageXKage]] - My characters names are ZomgDeadman in Kradia and ShikakuXXX in Scania
*[[User:Nuraska|Nuraska]] - Kradia, nuraska, tell me if you want to join guild(lvl 20+)
*[[User:Phoenixclaws|Phoenixclaws]] - JesterBach and PhoenixBach on Kradia
*[[User:Xiberiala|Xiberiala]] - Kradia FTW
*[[User:chickquita|chickquita]] - Character - Kradia rocks ur socks
*[[User:Bws2cool|Blake]] - LuklessBlake is my lvl 50 Cleric.

==== ==== Windia
==== Mardia ====
* [[User: Naturada137 | Naturada137]] - Waarom heeft niemand graag Windia?
*[[User:Torder|Torder]] - [[Mardia]] - m1tvo, [[ibtvo]], imtvo, m1tvoFTW, ibtvoFTW
* [[User: Yanno94 | Yanno94]] - WINIDIA ... Ik voel me als een nub. o.o
*[[User:GooglieNinja|GooglieNinja]] - GooglieNinja (Mardia)
* [[User: Websurfer09 | Websurfer09]] - Windia FTW!
*[[User:Selerik|Selerik]] - DrMcPirate (Mardia)
* [[User: Cheifyoyo | Cheifyoyo]] - Windia pwns!! Ga nooby cheifbandits!! woot!
*[[User:Laststandb|Laststandb]] - Mardia! Why does no body to LPQ????
* [[User: iCanhaveluck | iCanhaveluck]] - WINDIA FTW!
*[[User:yao12310|yao12310]] - MARDIA MARDIA MARDIA MARDIA (Broa's good as well) FTW!!!!!!!!!WOOT!!! gemanmf4 level 49 cleric !
* [[User: Awesome2008 | Awesome2008]] - WINDIA!
*[[User:Cutieannie1004|Cutieannie1004]] - Maplestory rox! ^0^
* [[User: cluddlykid | cluddlykid]]-Windia me ook vinden en partij met mij XD
* [[User: meluvskttles | meluvskttles]] - WHOO! Ik ben een noob!

==== ==== Yellonde
==== Nova ====
* [[User: JesusRidesAUnicorn | JesusRidesAUnicorn]] - Meestal opknoping rond [[Yellonde]] nu.
*[[User:Pipiavitis|Pipiavitis]] - Currently a 97 Demon Slayer, PM me if I'm on! Nova needs more love! :D
* [[User: Elita1 | Elita1]] - In love met [[Yellonde]] ~

Onbekend GMS ==== ====
==== Scania ====
* [[User: Diddyjwu | Diddyjwu]] - CaptTurner43 van GMS Yawr!
*[[User:KageXKage|KageXKage]] - My characters names are ZomgDeadman in Kradia and ShikakuXXX in Scania
* [[User: Woofie8781 | Woofie8781]] - I rule! <br>
*[[User:Matthewd0123|Matthewd0123]] - Scania is Great! Kermyhermit is the best! Kermit The Frog's a Hermit!
*[[User:TwilightK3y|TwilightK3y]] - Scania...too crowded xD <br>
*[[User:Dante4246|Dante4246]] - Scania...A bit crowded...
*[[User:KeroGero|KeroGero]] - Froglet (Scania)
*[[User:kennytran4|kennytran4]] - Scania... m4g3pr02423
*[[User:TheGamePhreak|TheGamePhreak]] - Kaask in Scania, GMS.
*[[User:Iamachiar|Iamachiar]] - argh name screwed up, scania, lvl 71 Hermit
*[[User:Magician3545|Magician3545]] - Scania FTW!
*[[User:Papulatus|Papulatus]] - AFireWizard add me please, I'm in Scania
*[[User:Chompy|Chompy]] - Via CrissysLove, A helper of newbs. :D
*[[User:GallantApple|GallantApple]] - GallantApple is my Scania Character's name :) I might create another one
*[[User:Cronolexus|cronolexus2]] - As of right now, a level 34 Page.                                                                                                                                                                                                        [[User:Kambetal1|Kambetal1]] - Lvl70 Priest Im not CatsXGoXWoof!!XD
*[[User:Unblemished|Unblemished]] - AstoundMe - Level 192 Scania Mercedes

==== Tespia ====
*Currently none

==== Windia ====
*[[User:Naturada137|Naturada137]] - Why does nobody like Windia?
*[[User:Yanno94|Yanno94]] - WINIDIA... I feel like a nub. o.o
*[[User:Websurfer09|Websurfer09]] - Windia FTW!!!
*[[User:Chuta|Chuta]] - Windia pwns!!!!
*[[User:iCanhaveluck|iCanhaveluck]] - WINDIA FTW!
*[[User:Awesome2008|Awesome2008]] - WINDIA!!
*[[User:cluddlykid|cluddlykid]]-Windia also find me and party with me XD
*[[User:meluvskttles|meluvskttles]]- WHOO! I'm a noob!
*[[User:Bluphoenix11|Bluphoenix11]]- Three words....Ditto with above...
*[[User:AidenRadik|AidenRadik]]-My current characters name is LastChanceI(a brawler) =)
*[[User:Peachkatema|Peachkatema]]Peachkatema - Windia's the awesomest server eva!
*[[User:KyoFoxe|Kyofoxe]] My main is an Evan named AruniaServal. Windia forever.

==== Yellonde ====
*[[User:JesusRidesAUnicorn|JesusRidesAUnicorn]] - Mostly hanging around [[Yellonde]] right now.
*[[User:Elita1|Elita1]] - In love with [[Yellonde]]~

==== Unknown GMS ====
*[[User:Diddyjwu|Diddyjwu]] - CaptTurner43 of GMS Yawr!!!
*[[User:Woofie8781|Woofie8781]] - i rule! <br>

== MSEA / MapleSEA ==
== MSEA / MapleSEA ==
Aquila ==== ====
==== Aquila ====
* [[User: Yongjianrong | Yongjianrong]] - Aquila, Bootes en Eridanus! Je bent niet alleen, mist-lot. : P <br>
*[[User:Yongjianrong|Yongjianrong]] - Aquila, Bootes and Eridanus! You're not alone, mist-destiny. :P <br>
* [[User: cyber96 | cyber96]] - Aquila join aquila:) it rocks!
*[[User:cyber96|cyber96]] - Aquila join aquila :) it rocks!!!
* [[User: Chermaine | Chermaine]] - Aquila is de beste. Kom en ontdek je talent in Aquila. Dus breng het op !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*[[User:Chermaine|Chermaine]] - Aquila is the best. Come and discover your talent in Aquila. So bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* [[User: Terence sim | Terence sim]] - AQUILA is cool. Come and join us in Aquila omdat it rocks !!!!!!!!!!!
*[[User:Terence sim|Terence sim]] - AQUILA is cool. Come and join us in Aquila because it rocks!!!!!!!!!!!
* [[User: Mist-destiny | Mist-lot]] - AQUILA.Woots <3 Ik speel de niet-zo-vaak-games-hier MapleSEA.
*[[User:Mist-destiny|Mist-destiny]] - AQUILA.Woots<3 I play the not-so-commonly-played-here MapleSEA.
* [[User: Kangmingjj | Kangmingjj]]-Come worden Bowman!
*[[User:Kangmingjj|Kangmingjj]] -Come be bowman!
* [[User: XLolita | XLolita]] - Ik hou nog steeds Maplestory, zo veel, en ik mis het spelen:]
*[[User:XLolita|XLolita]] - I still love Maplestory, so much, and I miss playing :]
*[[User:Tetrix|Tetrix]] - Aran rocks!
*[[User:SilentSeven7|Silentseven7]] - Join me during November - December

Boötes ==== ====
==== Bootes ====
* [[User: Yongjianrong | Yongjianrong]] - Aquila, Bootes en Eridanus! Je bent niet alleen, mist-lot. : P <br>
*[[User:Yongjianrong|Yongjianrong]] - Aquila, Bootes and Eridanus! You're not alone, mist-destiny. :P <br>
* [[User: Mistfeather | Mistfeather]] -: D MapleStory rox @ @! ~
*[[User:Mistfeather|Mistfeather]] - :D MapleStory rox@@!~

Cassiopeia ==== ====
==== Cassiopeia ====
* [[User: Kangmingjj | Kangmingjj]] - Come worden Bowman!
*[[User:Kangmingjj|Kangmingjj]] - Come be bowman!
* [[User: Tetrix | Tetrix]] - Ranger rocks!
*[[User:Tetrix|Tetrix]] - Ranger rocks!

==== ==== Delphinus
==== Delphinus ====
* [[User: Jkuan | Jkuan]] - Delphinus is cool! Ik speel in MapleSEA!
*[[User:Jkuan|Jkuan]] - Delphinus is COOL! I play in MapleSEA!
* [[User: Kangmingjj | Kangmingjj]] - Come worden Bowman!
*[[User:Kangmingjj|Kangmingjj]] - Come be bowman!
*[[User:Hitbowman35|Hitbowman35]] - Come play MapleSEA if you wan to meet me!!

Eridanus ==== ====
==== Eridanus ====
* [[User: Yongjianrong | Yongjianrong]] - Aquila, Bootes en Eridanus! Je bent niet alleen, mist-lot. : P <br>
*[[User:Yongjianrong|Yongjianrong]] - Aquila, Bootes and Eridanus! You're not alone, mist-destiny. :P <br>
* [[User: Kangmingjj | Kangmingjj]] - Come worden Bowman!
*[[User:Kangmingjj|Kangmingjj]] - Come be bowman!

Fornax ==== ====
==== Fornax ====
* Momenteel geen
*Currently none

Gemini ==== ====
==== Gemini ====
* Momenteel geen
*Currently none

Hercules ==== ====
==== Hercules ====
* Momenteel geen
*Currently none

== EMS / MapleEurope ==
== EMS / MapleEurope ==
==== ==== Kradia
==== Kradia ====
* [[User: Kanibaly | Kanibaly]]
* [[User: Zanachriel | Zanachriel]] - Zachriel De Krijger
*[[User:Zanachriel|Zanachriel]] - I play Zachriel (a blunt weapon page), a bowman and an evan.
* [[User: Thangthang15 | thangthang15]]-MapleWiki Rocks XD
*[[User:Thangthang15|thangthang15]]-MapleWiki Rocks XD
*[[User:Dragondarren|Dragondarren]] Maplewiki is very cool
==== Dementhos ====
*Currently none

Onbekend == ==
== Unknown ==
* [[user: Nemerly | Nemerly]] - Gazamidori voegen buddy op Cygnus (warrior54245) en recrutin gilde voor socal (so-cal (zoals cal-i-voor-nia)) als gazamidori whisp me ziek worden in twee dag ( 5 augustus 2009 rond 2: pm Oost) Ik heb als 1 charectors op 4 boekhouding zo ^ _ ^
*[[User:Nemerly|Nemerly]] - Gazamidori adding buddy on cygnus(warrior54245) and recrutin guild for socal(so-cal(like cal-i-for-nia))as gazamidori whisp me ill be on in two day(august 5th 2009 around 2:pm eastern)i have like 1 charectors on 4 accounts so ^_^  
* [[User: p1zi9n0rm3 | p1zi9n0rm3]] - hoofdpersonage: ryguyscandy. vragen geld van hem, zou hij het je geven. KON.
*[[User:p1zi9n0rm3|p1zi9n0rm3]] - main character: ryguyscandy. ask money from him, he might give it to you. MIGHT.
* [[User: astraliteit | astraliteit]] - Character - astraliteit. Do me niet vragen om geld, zal ik u vragen. Voor altijd. En dan zal ik je ks.
*[[User:Astrality|Astrality]] - Character - Astrality. Don´t ask me for money, i´ll ask you. Forever. And then i´ll ks you.

Latest revision as of 06:33, 7 November 2013

These are players who have a MapleWiki account as well as a MapleStory account.

To add your own character name to the list, just type ~~~ (three tilde) and it will automatically create a link to your MapleWiki userpage.

GMS / MapleGlobal




  • Anyuan753 - My character is anyuan753 in Broa. BROA FTW! I'm also recruiting for my guild 46+. (I might give an exception)
  • Koj - My character is AerHawk. He's in Broa. Hunters ftw.
  • Drakwood talk - My characters are KlawBro and Fisticufz. BROA, BROA, BROA!!!! <3 DragonFangz (Mah Guild!)
  • Here is more information on my characters!
  • Tigron95 - Broa!!!YAY!!!
  • Ravagesage - Broa ftw lolz
  • Rehobbed - Broa pwns everything else!!! Bowmen ftw
  • Toadus - Broa FTW!
  • BroaForLife - Broa FTW!!!!!
  • WallE54 - WallE54 Broa
  • Jojomuffin - Character -BROAN AND PROUD
  • Markus102 - I just want to help everyone who plays MS!
  • Zaggy - New to MS - Character-KnigtZAG Hello To ALL!
  • Rashasi - Broa rocks your socks off!!! Chars-Rayonann (30 FP Mage) Rashasi (25 Swordman) Necovex (19 Aran)


  • Maplearcher22 - maplearcher22, the creator of many guides, is back, new, and improved!
  • JesusRidesAUnicorn - Got a couple characters here as well, but I don't play Demethos as often.
  • CrimsonDream - I play quite a bit in Demethos. :) Level 46 Fighter(Trinity282) and level 37 Wind Archer (MorningLite). I love to help quest and will help with anything I can.
  • Dibbi - I play all of my Maplestory on Demethos, my main character is a level 75 Priest (Dibbi).
  • Waddle D33 - Yay for Demethos: the world with the third lowest population! :D (It's very lonely over here, but at least there's never any overcrowding.)


  • F3arlessx - Blah, only Galician xP Galicia still rocks though!
  • Sam*****yay - Galician pride! Creator of a Dual Blade named DualNeko25.


  • Aleczorich - BrovvnDuck on Khaini, Ducky!
  • Supagician - Khaini Forever~
  • Dominican2456 - KHAINI IS THE BEST!!!! CiericCiavv Level 75 Priest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • FruitRecruit - Khaini, GMS!...luckless ftw?!
  • Ttang - Khaini is cool. xD GO HP Warriors!!!
  • kreiti123 - Character -> kreiti123 - Server -> GMS
  • NsaneBrawler - KidUNeed2Kno on KHAINI, GO KOC'S!!!!!
  • windIstheway - khaini is best its perfect not to crowded and and not to lonley


  • Nightsluv - Kradia FTW xD buddy beastieredd if u agree =D
  • KageXKage - My characters names are ZomgDeadman in Kradia and ShikakuXXX in Scania
  • Nuraska - Kradia, nuraska, tell me if you want to join guild(lvl 20+)
  • Phoenixclaws - JesterBach and PhoenixBach on Kradia
  • Xiberiala - Kradia FTW
  • chickquita - Character - Kradia rocks ur socks
  • Blake - LuklessBlake is my lvl 50 Cleric.



  • Pipiavitis - Currently a 97 Demon Slayer, PM me if I'm on! Nova needs more love! :D



  • Currently none



Unknown GMS



  • Yongjianrong - Aquila, Bootes and Eridanus! You're not alone, mist-destiny. :P
  • cyber96 - Aquila join aquila :) it rocks!!!
  • Chermaine - Aquila is the best. Come and discover your talent in Aquila. So bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Terence sim - AQUILA is cool. Come and join us in Aquila because it rocks!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Mist-destiny - AQUILA.Woots<3 I play the not-so-commonly-played-here MapleSEA.
  • Kangmingjj -Come be bowman!
  • XLolita - I still love Maplestory, so much, and I miss playing :]
  • Tetrix - Aran rocks!
  • Silentseven7 - Join me during November - December




  • Jkuan - Delphinus is COOL! I play in MapleSEA!
  • Kangmingjj - Come be bowman!
  • Hitbowman35 - Come play MapleSEA if you wan to meet me!!



  • Currently none


  • Currently none


  • Currently none

EMS / MapleEurope



  • Currently none


  • Nemerly - Gazamidori adding buddy on cygnus(warrior54245) and recrutin guild for socal(so-cal(like cal-i-for-nia))as gazamidori whisp me ill be on in two day(august 5th 2009 around 2:pm eastern)i have like 1 charectors on 4 accounts so ^_^
  • p1zi9n0rm3 - main character: ryguyscandy. ask money from him, he might give it to you. MIGHT.
  • Astrality - Character - Astrality. Don´t ask me for money, i´ll ask you. Forever. And then i´ll ks you.