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==Back Story==
==Back Story==
The '''Dark Lord'''. It’s an unfortunate name, for it brings up images of evil and fear. Yet the one who bears that title does so not because he is evil, but because he spends so much time in the dark, battling against the things that would bring Maple World down. It’s a high and lonely destiny, one borne well by all those who have carried the title.

The [[former Dark Lord]] was a great man who spent his life fighting against the forces of darkness. As all Dark Lords must, he had carefully groomed possible successors. His two greatest students were a young man named [[Dark Lord|Jin]] and his own daughter, who is known to us now only as ‘[[Lady Syl]].’ Both were excellent students, people of great strength and moral character and he cherished and loved both of them. In turn, Lady Syl and Jin revered their teacher and developed a great affection for each other. Times were happy as they all trained and worked together.

The trouble began with an urgent request from [[Tristan]], the Dark Lord’s friend. It seemed that [[Balrog]] had been resurrected and was destroying [[Victoria Island]]. The Dark Lord immediately headed out to help but when he arrived in [[Sleepywood]], his friend Tristan was nowhere to be found. He eventually tracked down Balrog and faced him in mortal combat. Alas, Balrog is a foe not so easily beaten for his evil is not merely physical, but spiritual as well. The Dark Lord lost his focus for a split second and allowed Balrog’s evil to slip past his shields – and he lost his soul. The Dark Lord had become one of the very monsters he had spent his life defeating and began attacking Kerning City.
Dual Blader, The Instrument of Revenge!

Jin, who had followed his master against his wishes, witnessed everything. In despair and agony, he tried to appeal to the thing that was his former master, trying to get it to remember the man of virtue and honor he once was. Alas, it was no use! Jin knew what he would have to do, what his true master would have wanted and he defeated the monster that wore his master’s beloved face. Tears stinging his eyes, Jin carried the body back home to bury him in honor and succeed him as Dark Lord.

As it happened, Balrog claimed two victims that day. Lady Syl, her mind and soul shattered by the loss of her beloved father, blamed Jin for not protecting him. In time she came to believe that Jin had even engineered her father’s death in order to take his position as Dark Lord. Nothing Jin could say or do could convince her that she was mistaken, that he would have given anything to save her father’s life and that he never wanted to become Dark Lord in this way. It did not work. Lady Syl’s heart grew cold and bitter, hating the man she had loved with a cold fury that was like a wall of ice between them.
A grave misunderstanding which has put out the flames of love, Lady Syl seeks revenge against the Dark Lord for a crime he did not commit.  

The last time they saw one another, Jin made one last entreaty to Lady Syl, begging her to remember her father’s honor and greatness and the love they had once shared. Lady Syl merely promised him that when the end came, his death would rival her father’s in pain and anguish.
Now, as her plans are coming to fruition, together with her force of Dual Bladers, the final confrontation against the Dark Lord is near!

Now there is a secret war raging in the heart of Kerning City. Lady Syl and her Dual Blades continue her struggle against the Dark Lord from an unknown location simply known as the ‘Secret Garden.’ Her new organization is growing in strength and more and more skillful Rogues are disappearing. The Dark Lord knows that Lady Syl is getting ready to make her move, though he does not yet know what that move will be.
The title Dark Lord is known by many, yet only whispered by few, for just the words alone invokes a dark and terrifying image…

Meanwhile, a man named [[Ryden]] in a back alley of Kerning City begins talking to travelers here and there, making an interesting offer.

At the Secret Garden, Lady Syl takes care of her plants, gathers her forces and nurses her ever-growing rage and bitterness towards the Dark Lord.

Yet in the silence of her empty heart, a tiny ember of something she’d long thought extinguished remains. Whether it can burst into flame before she and the Dark Lord destroy one another, no one knows.
Unknown to many, the Dark Lord isn’t one of evil nature, but rather, like many other heroes in Maple, his purpose in life is to stop the ever present evil that threatens the very existence of the world. Sadly, The path of a Dark Lord is a lonely one. Always observing Maple from his dark abode, the Dark Lord keeps an eye on evil, waiting for the right moment to strike before disappearing once against into the shadows.

Former Dark Lord
The Former Dark Lord was a great man, and like all Dark Lords before him, he had always placed the world of Maple before himself. During his time as a Dark Lord, he had groomed two promising students to be his future successors, a young man called Jin and his very own daughter Lady Syl. Jin and Lady Syl were both excellent students, not only in skill, but in heart as well. The Former Dark Lord was happy to have them as students, and cherished them dearly.
As they trained and worked together, romance was formed between them, and it grew as they continued to work together.
One fateful day, an urgent notice came from Tristan, a good friend of the Former Dark Lord. The extremely dangerous and evil Balrog has been resurrected, and has started to destroy Victoria Island. Knowing that time is of the essence, he headed off to Victoria Island immediately after receiving the notice, strictly forbidding his loved students from following him.
Upon reaching Sleepywood in Victoria Island, he could not find his friend Tristan. Not wasting any time, The Former Dark Lord left to track down Balrog immediately. Eventually he found and confronted Balrog alone.
The fight was one to be seen, as two equally powerful opponents confronted each other in mortal combat. Balrog was a dangerous opponent, his physical prowess rivaled by few, and has the forces of evil to back him up. As the fight continued, Former Dark Lord started to grow weary, and with just a split-second lapse in concentration, Balrog’s evil spirit slipped pass his defence and wrecked his soul, destroying it and transforming his body into a monster.
The Former Dark Lord, now an empty shell of what he once was, has been transformed into a monster which he has dedicated his life to destroying!
Unknown to the Former Dark Lord, Jin had disobeyed his orders and was secretly following him, and had witness the whole combat. He confronted the Former Dark Lord, the one figure in his life which is almost like a father to him, trying to reason to the now mindless monster to remember what it once was. Alas, all his attempts were in vain, and knowing what he had to do, he reluctantly attacked the monster that still had the face of his beloved mentor, and defeated it.
Her Heart Grows Cold…
Carrying the body back with him with tears streaming down his eyes, he buried his Master’s corpse in honor and took up the role of Dark Lord. But Balrog’s destruction did not just stop at the Dark Lord. Upon knowing about her father’s death, Lady Syl was devastated. Her mind and soul was shattered, she started to blame Jin for not protecting her father. Slowly over time, her anguished mind ran wild, and she started to believe that Jin engineered her father’s death to take up the position of Dark Lord.
Jin tried to convince her otherwise, knowing and trying to explain that he would have sacrificed everything he had to protect the Dark Lord, but it was in vain. Lady Syl’s heart was already cold, and her mind made up. Jin has caused her father’s death and she would take revenge on him. Before leaving, Jin tried to reason with her once more, begging her to remember the love they once shared, and her father’s honor and greatness.
However, it fell on death ears, her only reply was that Jin would suffer a fate equal to that of her father in pain and anguish when the time comes……
The Plan Has Been Set In Motion!
Jin the Dark Lord knows that the time of confrontation will be soon, but he does not yet know exactly when or from where.
In the mean time, a man going by the name of Rayden in the back alley of Kerning City is approaching travellers, making an interesting offer.
And at the Secret Garden, Lady Syl gathers her forces of elite Dual Bladers as she tends to the garden, her heart still filled with bitterness and rage against the Dark Lord.
However, no matter how much rage and bitterness she felt towards him, a tiny ember of the blazing love she once had for Jin remains still. Would it be extinguished completely, or would it grow once again, before it is too late?

==Job Tree==
==Job Tree==


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